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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128 

After spending some time together, Quincy was beginning to understand why Winnie had the attitude she did towards the Hendersons

As the biological son, he himself felt resentment when he sensed the unfairness in his mother’s. treatment of Kathryn, and Winnie had endured it for eighteen years

Quincy wasn’t oblivious before, he just didn’t take it to heart

What’s your suggestion?Quincy asked, without getting hung up on formalities, his mind set on resolving the current issue

Candace and the others were also curious

From what Quincy had said before, the ghost girl would always appear suddenly in his dreams, sleeping at the far end of his bed, and each night she seemed to sleep closer than the night before. Judging by her actions, this ghost girl probably had a thing for Quincy

Could Winnie seriously be advising Quincy to be with the ghost girl

Candace’s imagination ran wild, even picturing the scene in her head

The others gave Quincy looks of sympathy

Winnie, oblivious to the expressions of the others, glanced at Quincy and seemed to look through him to the Henderson living room behind him. With a calm and light voice, she said

It’s simple, just move out of the house.” 

She knew about the ghost entangling Quincy

Back when she lived in the Henderson estate, this ghost and another were quite wellbehaved, even after she had expelled them once. They returned and just nestled quietly in the corners

They didn’t harm anyone, so naturally, Winnie had no reason to forcibly destroy them

She just let them nestle in the corners of the Henderson estate. But she hadn’t expected that after she left, these mischievous spirits would start causing trouble again

After Winnie succinctly delivered her advice, Quincy and the others were visibly stunned

Move out of the houseJust like that?” 

Quincy was still trying to wrap his head around it

Kane couldn’t help but interject. Isn’t the ghost after Mr. Henderson and wants to marry him?” 

Clearly, he and Candace were on the same page

Candace nodded vehemently in agreement, Yeah, why not stage a fake wedding and burn a paper husband to her or something!” 

Winnie gave them a strange look, Who said the ghost was after a person?” 

Chapter 128 

Whether it was that ghost or her companions, they were all initially fixated on the house

Winnie hadn’t delved deep into the matter, but it was clear they had an attachment to the mansion that prevented them from moving on, and after staying in one place for so long, they were close to becoming bound spirits

But they weren’t true bound spirits. Winnie had the ability to force them to stay away, but that didn’t mean she would, especially not for Quincy

Winnie didn’t want to bother with such efforts, hence her straightforward suggestion

Quincy stared at Winnie, making sure she wasn’t joking. His expression soured

Suzan and Kathryn were incredulous at her socalled advice.” 

You want us to give up the house? On what grounds?!Suzan balked

Did Winnie have any idea how much the house was worth now

Suzan felt that Winnie wasn’t sincerely trying to help the Hendersons and was even scheming for them to incur more losses

Just like the time she tricked Kathryn out of five million and then went ahead to give that recording to that little vixen Catherine to post online

As Suzan glared at Winnie, the live stream audience, already swayed by previous rumors, was taken aback by her venomous look

Their doubts deepened

Mrs. Henderson wasn’t as gentle and generous as she seemed. Perhaps there was more to Winnie’s adoption by the Hendersons than met the eye?” 

The drama of the wealthy was never straightforward.” 

Because the harassment is directed at you,Winnie replied calmly to Suzan, but before she could dwell on it, Winnie nonchalantly added, I’ve given my advice. Whether you take it or not is up to you.With that, she stepped aside, as if her work there was done

Quincy’s face was a mask of internal conflict

If what Winnie said was true, he had been looking at the problem all wrong

If it weren’t for the live broadcast, he might have been able to convince his father to sell the house to get rid of the ghost

But now, with the issue made public on the show, everyone would know there was something wrong with the Henderson mansion, and even if they wanted to sell, no one would want it

If no one would buy it, then they’d have to leave it empty. That would mean a direct loss of millions for the Hendersons


Chapter 178 

Quincy couldn’t make that decision, and he started trying to negotiate with Winnie

Ned, as the show’s host, finally found his role

Stepping forward, he didn’t try to persuade Winnie on Quincy’s behalf but asked, Winnie, it sounds like you know exactly what’s going on with Mr. Henderson. Could you explain to us in detail? Why would moving out solve the problem?” 

Winnie looked at Ned, then at the camera. Are you sure you want me to go into detail?” 


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