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True Tycoon Her Empire, Her Rules ( Winnie and Suzan ) novel Chapter 129

Chapter 129 

Different from the regular comments, this one that shone with a rare brilliancea golden hue reserved for official endorsements, standing boldly among the sea of messages

The EU Supernatural Department proudly rewards this token of appreciation, extending our wholehearted support to our exceptional new recruit. Winnie, for her promotion of arcane laws. and mystical studies!” 

Viewers in the chat room were utterly dazzled. How could this college be so good to their students

I’ve just been accepted to Goldcrest Academy, so hey, professors, when’s my supporting donation?” 

Come on, Emerald University, get proactive and send that Starry Skymy way.” 

The teachers haven’t gifted me anything, surely because they don’t know my stream ID. I’ll leave a message for the school’s official account right away!” 

I don’t need a such expensive donation effect; I’ll settle for the cheapest one, as a token of my understanding, dear professors, when will you gift it to me?” 

Truly the chosen one, she’s being pampered by her college even before matriculation.” 

On behalf of the other 29 students accepted by the Supernatural Department, I protest!” 

Just a friendly reminder, the Supernatural Department admits no more than thirty students a year, but that doesn’t mean they always admit exactly thirty.” 

Bagot didn’t miss the golden comment from the Supernatural Department, and it felt too coincidental to be just that

The Department’s sudden appearance seemed more like a direct response to Winnie’s rhetorical question

Bagot felt an odd speculation brewing within him

Perhaps, the ones who had given the green light for the show to continue weren’t the Morgans from Capital City, nor the Bryants from Emerald Bay, butthe Supernatural Department

The institute, rumored to have national backing, might possess more clout than they had imagined

At the thought, Bagot’s heart ignited with excitement

If this were true, their show might have just struck gold

His gaze towards Winnie turned fervent in an instant. He also didn’t forget to instruct the host through his earpiece, Let her speak.” 

Winnie could sat whatever she wants to say. After all, they have the higherup’s support


Ned, upon receiving Bagot’s directive, although puzzled, quickly recovered and replied with a smile, Here at Ghostly Guidance, use your intuition to unravel the story. Speak freely, and with confidence.” 

Upon hearing Ned’s words, Winnie understood that there were no issues from the director’s side. After a moment’s consideration, she began to speak. To put it simply, this place, fifty years ago, was the estate of a rich politician, and the ghost that haunts Mr. Henderson is the daughter of that very family.” 

Winnie knew the story of the ghost woman, who was a tragedy from a bygone era

She was the daughter of a rich politician, and in the 70s, this rich family had fallen into decline because of some political dispute

Before her family’s downfall, her father, sensing trouble ahead and not wanting to implicate his children, arranged for her to marry into a family of poor farmers whom he had once helped

Though poor, the only son in that family had been able to attend high school thanks to her father’s support

In a village of illiterates, the boy was a rare educated man, expected to make something of himself to get a city job and marry a city girl

And he did marry a city girl, but one from a fallen political family

The girl’s father provided a lavish wedding fund, entrusting his beloved daughter to the boy

He believed that with past favors and the fund, his daughter could live a stable life in the village despite her tainted social class

However, human hearts aren’t always as predictable as one might think

Upon marrying into the countryside, the girl was not welcomed by her new family. On her second day, they took her money under the guise of safekeeping

Her sisterinlaw took her expensive clothes and shoes under various pretenses

Overnight, the girl went from being a pampered daughter to a pitiable person, subjected to bullying and abuse

Alone, she was tasked with all the household chorescooking, cleaning, farming, feeding the pigs, chopping wood, and tending the garden…. 

And her husband watched it all, feeling it was only natural

Once grateful for the rich guy’s support, the boy’s feelings changed when their circumstances. did. That gratitude turned into a stainan association with a fallen political family

And yet, audaciously, the rich man was using past favors as leverage to push for his daughter’s marriage into their family

Although the boy married her for the substantial wedding fund, he always felt the marriage was an insult to him


Every time he saw her, he was reminded of her family’s past charity

With her father’s political dispute, his oncepromising future was also compromised

He blamed all his misfortunes on marrying a wife with a bad political background. So, he allowed his family to torment her to work her to the bone, to tremble meekly before him

All under the pretense that it was for her own good

Because she had a bad background, her misery would make others feel better, and she believed 

When she became pregnant with his child and still had to work the fields in her eighth month, a confrontation with her sisterinlaw led to a brutal push that caused a miscarriage

The loss of the child, coupled with severe blood loss, left her unable to have children ever 



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