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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 144


Chapter 144 

Unaware of her daughter’s identity being revealed, Sherri was currently having pizza with Natalie. They had not gone out together for a long time after coming back, and even on Sundays when they went out, they had to bring their children. This was the first time they left the children at home and went on a date as best friends

As they savored the longawaited taste, Sherri’s mood was filled with delight, her face expressing satisfaction. This is so good“* 

The corners of Natalie’s lips curled up and picked up a slice of pizza that Sherri liked for her. With the way you’re eating. the waiters will think it’s your first time having pizza in the city.” 

Sherri did not think it was embarrassing at all and continued to eat heartily. I’m not a lady. Why should I pretend to be one? As long as you like me, it’s enough.” 

Natalie took another slice of pizza for herself and dipped it in the hot sauce. You’ve already succeeded in making people misunderstand our relationship.” After saying that, she subtly motioned for Sherri to look at the couple who had just passed by and kept glancing back at them

Sherri burst into laughter. “Our love has been witnessed.After saying that, she even blew a kiss in the air towards Natalie, right in front of the passing couple.. 

This further increased the misunderstanding. They did not feel embarrassed at all but rather made the couple who was watching them feel embarrassed. The two women were shamelessly displaying their affection in a more exaggerated 


As long as they were not embarrassed, it was others who would feel awkward. As long as they were thickskinned enough, they would live with confidence

Both of their attention was focused on the couple who had just passed by. They enjoyed the situation. Suddenly, a mant wearing a mask sat down next to them, startling Sherri to the point where she almost jumped up

They both looked at the man wearing a black mask with vigilance. The man was dressed in a beige coat, a shirt underneath. and wore a cap. The entire outfit covered him completely, giving off a sense of a celebrity avoiding the paparazzi

Natalie and Sherri wore the same expression as they looked at the unexpected guest. Since the man sat next to Sherri, she spoke first, with a slightly displeased expression on her face. Who are you? Why are you sitting with us?” 

When the man heard her voice, he took off his hat and mask. Once the others saw his face, their expressions turned to surprise, and they both said at the same time, Hackett?Their voices suddenly rose, attracting quite a bit of attention. Hackett, with an embarrassed smile, took off his hat and greeted them. Hey, Mrs. Wilson.” 

Natalie corrected his address to her once again. Mr. Blackwell, change how you address me. Call me by my name. No need for formality. Besides, you are older than me.” 

Sherri got annoyed and slapped the back of Hackett’s head. Are you crazy? Coming to a pizza hub as if you’re a celebrity. Go away, don’t ruin our mood for pizzas.” 

The way Hackett looked at Sherri today was a little different. He turned around to carefully observe her and found that the child indeed resembled her to some extent, especially the mouth and the gaze. He had never observed this woman carefully before, but now he found her to have a good figure and a pretty face. No wonder his mother liked her so much and desperately wanted them to be together

It was just that she lacked femininity and was fierce

But upon closer inspection, she was really goodlooking, particularly captivating. Unintentionally, he got lost in his thoughts. Sherri and Natalie did not know what was on Hackett’s mind, leaving them puzzled

Sherri felt a bit uncomfortable under his direct gaze and slapped him on the back of his head again with force. What are you staring at? I know I’m goodlooking, but it’s not for you to look at.” 

After being slapped, Hackett regained his senses and turned to Sherri. You think you’re a sculpture, charging for people to look at you? You’ve gone crazy thinking about money.” 

Sherri pretended to slap hum again, but this time, Hackett directly grabbed her wrist. The warmth of his palm transferred to her wrist, causing a shiver to run through her. She stared at him with disdain and pulled her wrist back

Then, Hackett called the waiter and asked for an additional tableware set. Mrs. Wilson Natalie, add one for me as well. The meal is on me,” 

Seeing Hackett had already asked for an additional tableware set, Natalie had no idea what else she could say 

Sherri did not like it. Who asked you to pay? I have money. I don’t need the little money from you” 

Hackett calmly replied, Miss Sherri, but I need to have this meal with you more than anything else.” 



Chapter 144 

Sherri could not react for a second. This guy was crazy. She glanced at Natalie, indicating that Hackett was insane. She found him quite strange today

Natalie shrugged her shoulders in response to the exchanged glances and prepared to eat. She did not know what was going 

on either

Hackett stood up to get the sauce, took off his coat, and placed it on the seat. Sherri, feeling annoyed, stepped on the lining of his coat, leaving a dark mark that looked particularly conspicuous. Feeling a bit embarrassed, she quickly covered the coat to hide the evidence of her crime

Looking at the series of childish actions from her best friend, Natalie said. I suspect he likes you and came here to pursue you.” 

Sherri raised her head with a slightly smug expression. Do I look like someone easy to pursue? Since someone is paying. let’s order some more food.” 

Natalie quickly handed the menu to Sherri, knowing that she would feel better once they ordered more

Order whatever you want and as much as you like.They could not bankrupt Mr. Blackwell with just a single meal, but it would improve Sherri’s mood, so it was worth it

After a while, Hackett returned. He could not handle spicy food, so he brought back powdered cheese for dressing. Sherri and Natalie ordered a pizza with two different flavors to satisfy their palette

The sharpeyed Sherri noticed the item Hackett brought back and came up with a plan in her mind. Oh. Mr. Blackwell. how can you come to Thriving Pizza Hub without trying their recommended hot sauce? It’s so boring. Let me add some signature hot sauce for you. It’s fantastic.” 

Sitting opposite, Natalie watched the two bickering in amusement and had an inexplicable urge to laugh. A thought came to her mind that they were quite a match as a couple

Hackett lowered his gaze and saw that Sherri had already added two drops of hot sauce. Instantly, the pizza on his plate shimmered with a reddish glow of oil. He unconsciously gulped, but he held back when he thought of his father’s words before leaving 

Seeing Hackett’s furrowed brow, Sherri knew he could not handle that level of spiciness. This hot sauce was extremely spicy. and normally she and Natalie could only add a tiny drop. But she had added two drops for Hackett. It was impossible that he would not be overwhelmed by the spiciness. Simply thinking of this made her mood improve a lot

Natalie watched the show in front of her the entire time. It seemed obvious that Hackett disliked the hot sauce on his pizza. but she also wanted to see how he would handle it

Seeing that Hackett did not pick up the pizza for a long time, Sherri began to urge him, adopting a warm and polite tone as if he were a guest in her home. Mr. Blackwell, why aren’t you eating? If you don’t like it, there’s no need to force yourself Just get up and leave.” It was a clear threat. He could either eat or leave. If he wanted to stay and eat, he had to finish that slice 

of pizza with the hot sauce

Provoked by Sherri Hackett took a deep breath and tremblingly picked up the slice of pizza. It was just having some hot sauce, what could be difficult for him? Hackett Blackwell, the heir of the Blackwell family in Athana. With a resigned look on his face, he picked up a bit of spinach on the pizza, dipped it in the sauce, and put it directly into his mouth. Instantly, his taste buds exploded with the fiery heat, and a surge of spiciness rushed to his head. He resisted the urge to jump up and look for water, but his facial expression was already unsightly 

Natalie could not bear to watch, her eyebrows furrowed in sympathy, and she asked, Is it good?She noticed that Hackett did not chew much before swallowing This level of spiciness was difficult even for her and Sherri to handle

Hackett had already cursed Sherri for thousand times in his heart. Damn it, I will play you to death one day. Revenge is a dish best served coldWith great difficulty, he forced a smile, and against his will, he said. It’s okay, it’s pretty good” 

Natalie’s mouth twitched awkwardly, wondering what was going on with Mr. Blackwell today How could he endure Sherr so well. Then, she thought to herself If you like it, then you could eat more. There’s no need to be polite to eat lessAfter all, Hackett was paying the bill However, she did not say her thoughts out loud, just kept them in her mind

Sherri was not a fool With just one look, she could tell that this guy could not handle spicy food. Seeing him in such a state made her extremely happy. She enthusiastically picked up another slice of pizza for Hackett. Eat more, have some other flavors to balance the spiciness” 

Harkett wanted to thank her but resisted the urge. He endured and did not mention anything about their child

On the way here, he had already thought of a plan to get his daughter back. He could not let Mr. Wilson have such a cute daughter 

After about 40 minutes of eating. Hackett had already drunk six bottles of yogurt Basically, he would take a bite of food and then a sip of yogurt, otherwise, it would be difficult to swallow due to the spiciness. Toward the end, he found it hard to continue. The heat seemed to rise from his throat, his head buzzing, and the air he exhaled was hot. He did not understand why so many people liked to eat spicy food and enjoyed it so much. Some people even could not live without it. They were crazy. He could not accept it anymore. If he continued rating, the spiciness would send him to death. He made up his mind never to eat it again


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