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Turning Of The Tide (Natalie and Trevon) novel Chapter 145


Chapter 145 

In the Lithern Club, as the music blared, the bar’s dim lights transformed into a mesmerizing display of colors, casting an enchanting glow on the faces of the attractive crowd. The dance floor exuded an irresistible air of mystery and allure

With the rhythm of the music, the atmosphere on the dance floor reached its crescendo. The revelers gyrated and swayed, their movements infused with an ecstatic energy that intoxicated them

Meanwhile, in a secluded and soundproofed card room upstairs, an oasis of tranquility amidst the cacophony below, three out of the four occupants leisurely puffed on their cigarettes. At the same time, one donned a mask, lending an air of paradox

Hackett had been having a remarkable streak of luck tonight. A mountain of chips towered before him as he sported a wicked grin. Mr. Wilson, your luck seems to have deserted you tonight. I almost feel guilty for winning so effortlessly.” 

The man continued to ignore him, his mind wandering during the card game, inevitably leading to Hackett snatching victory. Thoughts of Natalie and her cold indifference plagued him, playing on a loop in his mind like an unrelenting slideshow. He yearned to press the pause button, but his chest tightened with frustration

Despite finding Frank’s constant stream of messages utterly disdainful, he secretly engaged in the same behavior. Day after day, he persisted in sending messages and delivering meals, desperate to make his presence felt. However, that woman showed absolutely no inclination to acknowledge him. His letters vanished into thin air as if they were dropped in the ocean’s deepest depths, generating no waves of response. It was evident that he needed to adopt a different approach which was a bold confrontation

Unbeknownst to Hackett, Trevon was engrossed in contemplating how to win back Natalie. Ignoring him only fueled Hackett’s determination. Today, he was in a good mood, and having a loving daughter seemed to bring him tremendous luck. He had never won such substantial money from Mr. Wilson before

With a cigarette delicately held between his fingers, Frank glanced at the visibly troubled expression on Trevon’s face. Missing Natalie, huh?” 

Trevon fixed Frank with a skeptical gaze. Do you suddenly possess the power of mindreading, Frank?” 

As for Natalie, Hackett suppressed his inner desires, opting to keep his secrets to himself

Just as their stomachs inconveniently growled, rumbling incessantly, a sudden string of flatulence followed suit. The other three individuals simultaneously turned their gaze toward Hackett, their disgust evident on their faces, without bothering to 

conceal it 

Hackett had eaten a mishmash of food that day, and due to their proximity, practically anyone who took a breath could catch a whiff of an aromatic scent

Unable to bear the odor any longer, Frank held his breath and stood up. The stench was simply unbearable, nearly making him feel nauseated. What the hell have you been eating?he exclaimed, feeling as if the foul fragrance permeated his very 


Trevon extended his slender fingers to cover his mouth and nose, rising from his feet with a furrowed brow. Holding his breath, he swiftly opened a window, leaning closer to inhale the fresh air, ignoring Hackett

Jim, donning a mask, fared relatively better than the other two who were directly assaulted by the fragrance

Hackett awkwardly clutched his stomach, squeezing his buttocks, and mustered a sheepish apology. Sorrygrumble, grumble, grumble.” 

Hackett thought to himself. It was beyond his control. It seemed inevitable. He hurriedly went to the restroom with one hand still covering his backside

The other three individuals had lost all interest in the card game. Trevon sternly commanded Jim. Open the door.” 

Following the order, Jim approached the door and swung it wide open. A chilly gust of wind swept in at an angle, striking Trevon directly. In an unfortunate twist of fate, Hackett’s final emission met Trevon headon, causing his complexion to darken with an intense scowl. Holding his breath, he swiftly exited the room, followed closely by Frank, who couldn’t bear the situation any longer. Jim was the last to leave. The space was now empty, with only Hackett left inside the restroom

Just as Hackett stepped out, the room had already emptied, devoid of anyone else. Being a frequent visitor to the Lithern 

Club, he knew exactly where they had gone

As he was about to leave, his stomach protested again, growling incessantly. It seemed another urgent matter was at hand, so he hurriedly returned to the restroom

Engrossed in their conversation about the ongoing issues with the commercial project, Trevon and Frank paid no heed to the repetitive backandforth sounds. They smoked their cigarettes, discussing matters related to the business street. However, Jim sensed something was amiss. It had been half an hour, and Mr. Blackwell seemed to have vanished

Feeling skeptical, Jim asked, Mr. Wilson, should I check on Mr. Blackwell?” 

Trevon lifted an eyebrow, casting a glance at Jim Are you planning to deliver toilet paper? Just stay put. If he can’t come 



Chapter 145 

out, he’ll give us a call. If he enjoys staying in there, let him be.” Trevon wondered if Mr. Blackwell’s luck with money was indeed that good. He wanted to see if he could handle the losses

Unable to argue with Mr. Wilson, Jim reluctantly retook his seat, silently sympathizing with Mr. Blackwell. Perhaps losing money was for the best in Mr. Blackwell’s case

Suddenly, Frank’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen, seeing that it was Hackett calling. A wider grin spread across his face. Looks like he’s stuck in there.” 

Trevon pulled out a cigarette, a smirk forming on his lips. Tell the manager to bring antidiarrheal medicine to Hackett in the restroom” 

Jim silently thanked Trevon for not sending him to check on Hackett. Alright.” 

After approximately an hour, Hackett leaned against the wall as he entered, his legs trembling. Do you guys have any shame, leaving ine alone over there?” 

Trevon remained unfazed, his expression calm and distant. Should I squat next to you then?” 

Jim couldn’t help but let out a suppressed laugh, unable to contain his amusement

Hackett was undoubtedly drained due to the effects of the chili peppers. He slumped onto the nearby couch. Frank wrinkled his nose in distaste. Take a seat on a chair. Don’t turn my couch into a stenchfilled mess and disrupt my sleep” 

Once Hackett lay down, he had no desire to move. He was too exhausted, having made countless trips to the restroom at least twenty times. “Damn it, I didn’t soil my pants again.” 

Frank couldn’t resist his biting tongue. Who knows if you even had time to drop your trousers

Hackett exerted all his strength to flung a pillow toward Frank, but his agile hands deftly caught it

Trevon, ever composed, couldn’t help but be curious about what had caused this predicament. What did you eat tonight to give yourself such an explosive reaction?” 

This prompted Hackett to open up and vent his frustrations. It’s all because of that woman, Sherri. She practically forced me to devour a massive bowl of chili peppers” 

The three individuals in the room knew that Hackett despised spicy food and typically avoided it. Their curiosity was piqued as they wondered what could drive someone who steered clear of spice to consume such a large bowl of chili peppers. Were his efforts an unconventional way of impressing Sherri

Frank couldn’t resist adding, Are you planning to become blood brothers with Miss Landor? With chili peppers as your 


Hackett, feeling discontent, let out a string of profanities. Damn it, she’s just out to mess with me.” 

Trevon, curious and with a hint of skepticism in his eyes, asked, So you’re willingly allowing her to mess with you? Go back and entertain Frank in his damn restroom.” 

Hackett swiftly contemplated a strategy to divert Trevon’s attention from the actual situation. He altered the narrative rather than revealing the truth, displaying a facade of admiration. Isn’t it all about demonstrating our respect for Natalie? She has a penchant for spicy cuisine, and I’m willingly sacrificing myself to accompany her.” 

Upon hearing that Natalie enjoyed spicy food, Trevon recalled the scene of her devouring durian at Adare Manor. It wasn’t just spicy but also downright pungent. It seemned she had quite the penchant for spicy flavors. Trevon silently considered the possibility of gradually developing his tolerance for spicy food, making mental plans. After all, accepting chili peppers wouldn’t be out of the question

Maintaining a poker face, Trevon inquired, Did you have dinner with her tonight?” 

Hackett couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction, showing no signs of holding back. You got that right. And Miss Landor. I reckon you’re mighty envious.” 


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