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Wolf-less Omega Luna novel Chapter 6

Alana’s POV

My entire body went completely numb as his eyes locked with mine. I didn’t know his name but I could recognize his face anytime, any day. He was the man who separated me from my parents when I was barely a child. His scared face still haunted me in my dreams.

It couldn’t be. How was he here after all these years? Of all the places that he could attack, why did he choose to appear in whichever pack I was? Who was he even?

The world went still and it seemed as though life was drawn away from the surroundings.

The stampede doubled and cries from werewolves and their pups filled the air. Pack

members in their human form were running in every direction, searching for safe havens from the attack.

Axel’s wolf turned to me with his eyes slightly dilating. He was trying to mind-link someone. His black eyes glared at me for not understanding and I knew he was trying to communicate with me.

“I can’t mind-link,” I said amidst my fear, tears, and confusion.

He nudged me towards the safe house and sprinted off to take on a few attackers.

My brain told me to move or to perform any action that would get me to safety, but my body decided against it and remained rooted to the spot.

I sighted Bonnie, running in my direction with tears streaming down her face, screaming for her mate, Jerad.

She was only about a meter away from me when a shot was fired and she abruptly stopped with a small gasp. Life quickly drained from her body and her brown eyes locked with mine. She muttered something inaudible to me before collapsing at my feet.

“Run, Alana.” That was what she muttered.

She was dead!

It could only mean one of two things: wolfsbane shot to the heart or silver bullet shot directly to her heart.

The sight of that and the salty flavor of tears connecting with my lips pulled me from whatever mini panic attack I was experiencing.

I took a step backward, and another, followed by another. I looked around in search of Axel but I couldn’t find him. Was this going to be my end too?

The scared-faced maniac whose name I never knew and whose eyes had locked with mine a moment back, tilted his huge frame in my direction and took a step towards me.

My body moved on flight or fright. My life was far from perfect but it didn’t mean I wanted to die. I turned around and ran with all the strength I could muster while screaming for help.

“Axel! Axel! Help!!” My body was sore all over but the adrenaline pumping through me numbed it all as I ran.

At this point, I wished I could mind-link somebody. Anybody. To at least say goodbye as it seemed that the pack was being destroyed. But I couldn’t. Since I lost my wolf, Rox, I lost all of my other werewolf abilities.

I immediately thought of Lexi. I wondered where she was or if she was okay. She would be worried about me. Feeling overwhelmed and scared to death, a fresh round of tears leaked from my eyes.

I ran as fast as I could and only when I had gone a very good distance did I muster the courage to throw a glance back.

“Thank the goddess, he stopped following me.” I fell to the floor and I continued to sob. “Why is this happening?” I asked myself as there was no one in sight.

I had no idea where I was. I just ran till I was out of breath.

“Axel, please show up.”

After a brief moment, the sound of grunts and whimpers from flesh tearing in the brawl stopped. The shots stopped too, and so did the clanging of weapons. It was finally over. Or was it?

And just as the moon goddess had found a way to always grace me with Axel's presence just when necessary for the last twenty-four hours, I darted around at the sound of broken twigs to see Axel smiling down at me.




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