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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 20

Amelia dragged her feet down the street her apartment was, crying profusely.

Everyone that passed past her stared at her. They all wondered what had happened to her, but never asked her what happened.

“How do I call Mr. James now? He is going to be so mad at me tomorrow. If I don’t resume using the phone tomorrow, I’ll be so done!”

“All my money has been stolen, I can’t buy another one unless I get home and pick some more cash. But I can’t come back here tonight, it’s already late.”

“Why is the world against me so much? Why do you hate me so much!” She cried aloud like a baby.

She kept dragging her feet, her head lowered in sadness, and her bag hung carelessly on her shoulder.

She didn’t care about the eyes that peered at her. She was devastated.

She shuffled past the mall on her street and before she could take five footsteps away from the entrance of the mall, she heard a loud crash behind her.

She stood walking and looked back in fear. She saw a woman struggling with already torn nylon bags.

Some fruits like oranges and apples that had fallen from the torn bags were rolling to the road. At this time, a car was approaching at full speed.

Amelia ran to rescue some of the fruits before they got crushed by the car approaching.

She picked about five oranges and six apples and threw them in her bag before the car got to them and passed them.

“Oh God, thank you so much.”

The woman that had the items uttered tiredly. There were still more things on the floor to be picked. Lettuces, spring onions, corn beef, sardines, ketchups, pepper, and many more.

“I’ll help you get nylons from the mall. You should stay with these so they don’t get stolen.”

Amelia moved closer to the woman and passed her bag to her. “You can put some here. I’ll pick out the documents.”

Amelia removed the file in her bag and the woman collected the bag from her. She looked at Amelia’s face and noticed her eyes were teary.

“Hey, are you okay? Why are you crying?” She asked, and Amelia shook her head.

“It’s nothing, Ma’am. I’ll get you two big bags.”

Amelia hurried into the mall to ask for two bags from the cashier. She pointed to the woman outside and the cashier gave her the bags.

She hurriedly back to the woman and started helping her pick up the items.

“Thank you so much, dear. You are a kindhearted woman,” The woman said, and Amelia smiled faintly, uttering no words.

In no time, they were done packing all the items that fell from the nylons, into the bags. Amelia’s bag was also filled with foodstuffs.

“My car is parked on the other side of the road.”

The woman pointed to a black Lexus RX 350 on the other side of the road.

“I’ll help you with the bags to your car then.”

“Thank you so much.”

The woman carried Amelia’s bag, while Amelia carried the bags she had collected from the cashier down to where her car was parked.

She opened the boot of her car and put the bags in it.

“My bag.” Amelia pointed to her bag and the woman locked her boot.

“What is your name? I can’t give you your bag just yet. You have to let me repay you for your kindness.”

“Ma’am, you don’t have to. I don’t want anything. I just want to go home.” Amelia’s eyes heated up again, and she bowed her head.

“Talk to me. What is wrong? What is your name? Come with me.”

She held Amelia’s hand and led her to her chair. Amelia followed her weakly and kept crying. She opened the front door for her and made her sit.

She shut the door and walked to the driver’s seat. She also sat and looked at Amelia.

“Talk to me, dear. What is your name? Why are you so sad?” She asked.

“My name is Amelia, and…”

“Amelia?” She asked, and Amelia bounced her head.

“Yes, Amelia. And, I’m sad because all my valuable things got stolen some minutes ago. My phone and some money”

“Really? Oh my, I’m so sorry, Amelia. You don’t deserve such a treatment. Where do you stay?”


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