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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 30

Amelia picked up her phone and ran out of the room after she saw James was bent on getting his slut naked right in front of her.

She cried aloud as she ran to nowhere in particular. She could feel her heart breaking into pieces inside of her.

‘Why did I ever think he would feel something for me?! Why did I believe he would want to have anything to do with me! He has always made it so clear but I keep giving myself stupid hopes! You’re a fool Amelia.’

She ran up to the third floor and entered one of the rooms. She switched on the lights and looked around briskly.

She walked to the neatly laid bed and sat on it. She lowered her head and continued crying. At that point, she needed a friend badly, but she had known.

“Shouldn’t he have at least done this another day? I would have preferred he ignored me and sent me out of the room alone. Not with another woman!” She mumbled in tears.

Her phone began to ring all of a sudden, and she wiped her eyes with her hand and checked who the caller was. It happened to be her uncle.

She answered the phone and weakly placed it on her ear. She fell on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Her tears rolled down the corner of her eyes, and wet her ears.

“Hey, Amelia. Are you home now? I’m sorry I couldn’t see you before you left the reception. I had to attend to some things.”

Amelia sniffed and closed her eyes.

“It’s fine, Uncle. I’m home now.” Her voice was shaky, and Freddie immediately guessed something was wrong with her.

“Amelia, are you crying? What’s wrong?”

She covered her mouth with her second hand and began to chew on her lower lip.

“Hey… talk to me, Amelia. I’m beginning to worry.” Freddie’s voice was low and full of concern for her.

She exhaled loudly and moved her hand away from her mouth to tell him the horrible thing she had just seen.

“James… he brought another… he brought another woman home tonight.”


“They are in the room together, as we speak, Uncle. I was stupid. I thought he would want to have something to do with me. I wanted to please him and look good so bad, but he didn’t even look at me twice. I was in the room when he walked in with another woman. He was ready to strip her in front of me, Uncle.”

“Oh my… I’m so sorry, Amelia.”

“I know he hates me. I shouldn’t have thought of making him fall for me. It’s never going to work.”

“Amelia, please don’t talk like that. You know, you are new to this marriage. You haven’t known each other well. Maybe that’s why he is acting funny. I’m not on his side, but I need you to be very patient. You are legally married to him. The community recognizes only you as his wife. He will come to his senses sooner or later.”

Amelia scoffed and sat up. She cleaned her eyes and shook her head.

“I don’t think so. But I won’t keep trying. I’m his wife already. I believe one day he will see I am not garbage.”

“That’s the spirit, Amelia. You are not going to give up on him easily. I have always thought you never give up.”

Amelia bounced her head and shut her eyes tight again. Deep down, she didn't see her hopes going anywhere. She wanted to give up already.

“It’s the first time you are in his house. You have more time to prove to him that he deserves you. Make him breakfast, don’t act bothered about his annoying character, you have known that before now. Live your life. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

“Thank you, Uncle. I’ll try to enjoy it while it lasts. I have to go now, I’m so tired, and I need to sleep.”

“Okay. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“I love you, Uncle.” Amelia said with a genuine sad smile.

“I love you too, Amelia. Take good care of yourself. Don’t let him get to you.”

She slid the phone off her ear and hung up. She let out a soft exhale and looked around the room again.

“Enjoy it while it lasts. But how do I do that?”

She stood up and looked at herself, she remembered she was still in the lingerie.

She wanted to remove it so badly, but she had nothing else to wear. Her things were stuck in James’ room, with him and his slut.

“I need to do something about him. I refuse to give up easily.”

Amelia picked up her phone again and went on google. She searched for ways to deal with an unloving husband.

‘I am going to do anything the answer says.’

Several answers popped up, and she didn’t know which one to open first. She clicked on the first website and began to read.

“One; Don’t not complain. Just Discuss.”

‘Do not complain? But he just brought a woman home on our wedding night.’ She thought as she scrolled to the next point.

“Two; Focus on the positives.”

‘There are no positives here. All seem negative to me.”

“Three; Take yourself seriously.”

“Four; Speak up.”

Amelia heaved a sigh and raised her head. She felt the fourth point was a bad idea. She would never find the courage to speak up to James. He was way too scary for her.


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