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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 73

“I’ll be back in three hours time. Hopper is waiting for me to come and visit him. It’s past his visiting time.”

“It’s okay, Penelope. I’ll stay back here with James. I can’t leave him alone in this condition.” Helen responded.

“Of course. I’ll be back, okay? Please take care of him and yourself.”

Penelope opened the door and stepped out of the house. After shutting the door, Helen heaved a loud sigh and turned to look at James.

“How did you two meet?” James asked out of the blue.

“You mean Penelope and I?” Helen answered, and he bounced his head.

“I never got the chance to ask until now. Maybe this story would help me while away the time. I’m trying to get this situation out of my head but I’m finding it hard. Please help me.”

Helen bounced her head and sat next to him on the couch. “Well, we both first met in high school. In grade one. It was not a pleasant meeting because I bumped into her that day, and also spilled her drink on her white t-shirt. She was so mad at me even though I apologized with great sincerity. I was running out of time and I had to run to the lecture room, but unfortunately she got in the way.”

“Really? So what happened afterwards?”

“I found out she was in the same class as I was. Her chair was close to mine. I tried talking to her but she kept ignoring me. She didn’t want to have anything to do with me.”

“I bet she was so mad at you.” James exhaled heavily and picked up his cup of wine. He took a sip and lowered his head in sadness again.

“Yes, but crazily, I liked her. I wanted to be her friend badly and I kept trying to be her friend until we got into college. She was almost in trouble during the exams, but I was able to save her on time. After this, we became friends.”

“What kind of trouble was she in?”

“Exam malpractice, and this could have cost her scholarship. Luckily for me, I was able to reveal who tried setting her up. This made her like me so much, and that was how we started getting along well.”

“And that was all? You turned Besties after that time?”

“Yes. But I noticed something about her.”


“She hates sharing her things with someone. She always wants to be on top, wants to be the center of attention, wants things to fall in love the way she wants.

“Woah. You knew all this and you’re still friends with her?!” James scoffed.

“That’s why we are friends. Those are her weaknesses. I really liked her so I understood her well. Everyone isn't perfect, son.”

“And did she understand you the way you understood her?”

“Yes, I think she did. We lost contact after college when we had to go our separate ways. I can’t forget what we discussed before the night she left for Canada.”

“What was it about?”

“She met a young man on her way from the shopping mall. She accidentally bumped into him and ended up falling up with him. Crazy girl.” She uttered with a chuckle.

“And is he Hopper?”

“I’m not so sure. She didn’t tell me the full details. I don’t think she knew much about him either. All I know is that she liked him so much after they first met. She was so excited telling me about him. We lost contact afterwards, so I couldn’t follow up the drama.” She smiled widely.

“Since she loves getting what she wants. She properly ended up with him. He could be Hopper.”

“Well, we can’t be so sure. We haven’t gotten the time to catch up well, not after all this drama. We’ll talk about it later.”

“Hmm… whatever. Thank God Amelia isn’t like her in some aspects. God, Amelia is just so perfect. I need her back.” He mumbled and grabbed his head in despair.

“Hey, the cops are working nonstop. We’ll find Amelia. Don’t bother so much about it.”

James heaved a sigh and bounced his head. “I want to look for her but I don’t even know where to start. It’s like she evaporated from the face of the earth. I can’t stop worrying, Mom.”

“You are trying your best. I believe wherever Amelia is, she is trying so hard to come back home. Let’s hope for good news from Charles today. I hope he can finally rest a little. He has been up everywhere.”

James exhaled and bounced his head.


“You want to kiss me?” Fred was astonished.

“Why are you so shocked? We have done it before, right?”

“Yes, but…”

“It’s fine if you don’t want to, Fred. I know you are thinking I’m doing this for some other reasons apart from the fact that I can now understand your point of view.”

Amelia wore a sad face and turned to leave, but Fred grabbed her hand and made her stop.

“It’s not like I don’t want to.”

The corner of Amelia’s lips curved up in a smile, and she made it stop as she turned to look at him.

She moved closer to him and Fred’s hand slid off her arm weakly. She moved her hand to his face and leaned closer. She had to stand on her toes to get to his lips because he was pretty taller than she was.

Her lips covered his lips and she felt him inhaling deeply. Before she could move away, he moved his hand to her waist and yanked her closer to him, making her press her body against his.

His lips parted too and he took her lips in wholly. Her breath caressed his lower face which sent signals to the middle of his legs.

He wanted more than just a kiss. He grabbed her ass and a slight moan escaped her lips.


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