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A Naive Bride for the Sophisticated CEO novel Chapter 80

Amelia, Fred and Alice got to the shopping mall shortly after a taxi dropped them off.

“Here we are. Where do we start from?” Fred inquired.

“We or I? Fred, you don’t have to go around looking for this woman for me. You don’t even know what she looks like. Just stick around with Alice. When I’m done, I’ll come to you. Please keep Alice safe. I trust you and that is why I’m letting you be with her.”

Fred smiled widely and nodded. “You know how much I love you and Alice. I would never let anyone hurt you. We’d go around the mall, maybe to the Game Center. But please don’t stay too long. If you see or notice anything weird, call on me. I’ll come running.”

Amelia divulged a soft smile and nodded too. She leaned closer to him and planted a soft kiss on his cheeks.

“Thank you.”

Amelia clutched her jaws slightly and turned to look. She looked around the mall and reminisced on where to start looking first.

‘The restroom.’ She thought and headed to the restroom. She often looked back at Alice as she walked, and Fred kept waving and smiling each time she did it.

“He seems so excited. I think this is the right time to finally get the hell out of his life. But I need to wait a little longer, I need to find answers to the questions bothering me before I can leave this place. Once I go back home, I may not get the chance to talk to that woman anymore.”

She got to the restroom and walked in. She met some hot ladies in front of the mirror, applying makeup on their faces.

They turned to look at her and looked away again, paying little attention to her.

After looking around and not seeing this strange woman. She thought she could be in one of the toilets so she decided to wait a little.

She knew what she was doing as so stupid and the chances of seeing this woman was so slim, but she still found herself doing it anyways.

She headed into one of the toilets and shut the door behind her. She rested her back on the tiled wall and exhaled loudly.

‘I need to see you. I need to know if this is truly all in my head.’

After waiting for a few seconds, she stepped out of the toilet. This time, those ladies were out of the restroom. She heaved a sigh and walked to the mirror.

She stared at herself for minutes and noticed she wasn’t looking as good as she used to. She had been under tough situations lately, and this was part of them.

She opened the tap and took some water in her palms. She splashed it on her face and wiped it off with her palm. She looked into the mirror again, and this was when she heard a slight noise from the door.

She hurriedly looked at the door and realized that someone had just left the door.

She grabbed her bag and ran out of the restroom. She sighted a woman in front of her, walking very fast too.

“Hey! Stop! Please wait!” She yelled as she ran towards her.

This woman refused to stop walking so fast, but before she could switch to running, Amelia got closer to her, pulled her by the hand and stood in front of her, panting hard.

“Why are you running away from me?!” She asked her. It was the woman she was there for.

“Why are you here? Why are you after me?” The woman asked fearfully, and yanked her hand off Amelia’s grip.

“You don’t work here, do you?” She asked, still trying to catch her breath.

“No, I don’t.”

“Then that question goes to the both of us. Why are you here? You were here yesterday, why are you here today?”


“Stop pretending. We are both here because since yesterday, we have been so confused about our meetings and we want answers to our disturbing questions. Now we have seen each other, can’t we just talk it out? And if we are wrong, we both part ways.”

“But there’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know you, and you don’t know me.”

“We can’t be so sure until we get to know each other, okay? I came back here and I found you. I wouldn’t be letting you go again. Come with me.”

Amelia took her hand and began to pull away. Susan stared at her hand as she pulled her away. She has this unexplainable feeling, like that hand had touched her before.

“Where are you taking me?”

“To somewhere we can talk. I am not letting you go until I get answers. I’m tired and almost going crazy because of this.”

They got to a restaurant in the mall and sat. They sat in front of each other.

“Did you come alone today?” Susan asked, and Alice shook her head.

“No, I came with my daughter and someone not so important.” Alice responded and raised her hand to call the waiter.

“What would you like to have?” She further asked.

“Someone not so important? You mean the man that you hugged so tight yesterday?” Susan inquired, ignoring her initial question.

“So you saw me hug him.”

“Yes. I don’t know, but I just don’t like him. I stood far away from you two and I could sense the evil aura around him.”

Alice stared at her face and narrowed her eyes at her. She tried comparing her face to the portrait she had at home, and she realized it was the same person.

“Actually, he is an evil person. He isn’t a lover or a friend. My daughter and I were abducted by him. It’s a long story, and I’m not ready to talk about it with you. Who are you?”

“I told you. I’m not who you think I am!”

“But you look exactly like her!”


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