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Alpha’s Enslaved Mate novel Chapter 5


I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth because she was seriously getting on my nerves by the choice of words that she spoke with. She was so ungrateful, maybe, I should have killed her along with her father, so they have a miserable family reunion in hell.

I was even nice enough to save her from the wrath of my pack members but she was trying to use her smart mouth again. I opened my mouth to speak but words failed to come out, I squinted my eyes at her before turning around to leave.

I knew that if I wasted any more time in the room, I would do something that I might not even regret because she deserved every harsh punishment that she could get.

‘’Serves you right. She was begging you at the beginning to be nice to her, you refused. Now, she has had enough of your nonsense and wants to leave. You are going to be mateless for the rest of your life.’’ Jace mocked me which spited me, even more.

‘’Which side are you on?’’ I inquired from him in an annoyed tone.

‘’If you aren't blind, you would have realized that I support the right thing here. You both are victims.’’ he responded.

‘’Correction! She is not.’’

‘’Yes, she is! Why is it so hard for you to believe that she was abused by her people, just like you faced trauma after your parent’s death? She went through the same thing but she is not trying to add to your headache. Yet, you are hell bent on making her life a living nightmare.’’ he stated.

‘’I honestly don’t care, Jace. She cannot fool me, the way that she has done to you. I am not that gullible to believe her silly lies. The monster in her father is still dwelling in her, it will only take time for it to surface. Therefore, I cannot be with her! I have Audrey in my life.’’ I deadpanned.

He scoffed, ‘’Audrey? Who the hell is that?’’

‘’My fiance.’’ I reminded him in case he was suffering from short term memory.

I knew that he was just feigning oblivion.

‘’The last time that I checked, your Audrey isn’t the woman that the goddess assigned to spend the rest of your life with. Very soon, her mate will come for her and she will leave you without thinking twice but before then, Madison would have escaped in search of a better life not a mate who would frustrate her life. You would loose both!’’ he declared.

I would never allow such to happen in the first place, so if he wanted me to panic, he would have to step up his game because this was an epic fail.

‘’Do you really expect me to be bothered by it? Listen, Madison is my slave and the day that she atte,pts leaving, I would chop her off without hesitation. The daughter of my enemy doesn’t deserve my sympathy. Even in my next life, I would choose to die alone than accept her as my mate. Have you heard of it? If you cannot deal with that fact then, it is your problem not mine.’’ I blatantly told him.

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