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Althea - The Dark Goddess (Book 3) novel Chapter 2

Once again, I sit by the edge of my bedroom window, leaning my body against it while staring at the blue horizon. To the realm, yet unknown to me.

Something out there calls me. It whispers my name. Pleads my soul to return. Like someone awaited my return. Like I was born for a purpose.-

Like I was reborn.

I look towards the vast sky. To the limitless possibilities that laid on it and extend my arm forward, waiting for it to suck me right into one of those possibilities. But once again my mind wanders back to those eyes.

I close my eyes, wishing to erase, to forget, but that piercing blue eyes keeps staring right back at me. I clench my jaws tight as frustration builds up and anger starts to seep out of my heart, completely casing those blue eyes with dark, black clouds.


I let go of the breath that I was clutching onto. Why was my soul this tainted with darkness? This darkness that was woven with the light in my heart. They coexist. One equally rightful to the other. Both a part of me. But at the same time, one inferior-

The slight shift in the air and a soft touch on my shoulder brings me back to the present and somehow calms this raising darkness.

For now.

I open my eyes, only to be wrapped in a deep pool of green and as those eyes flicker between mine, I knew that the spell had once again broken. I sigh, turning away to look outside, more like to seek shelter to hide myself as she takes a seat in front of me.

“It’s not strong enough, mom.”

“Talk to me, Zoe. What is bothering you?” She takes her hand off my shoulder and puts it under my chin, turning my head to face her. I look into her own pool of darkness, but I know it held anything but darkness. She was the purest of us all. The beloved daughter of the earth.

“It’s nothing.”

The lie had already moulded in the back of my throat. The amount of times I have uttered these words to assure the people around me. Even though no one buys it anymore, it was always my answer to them. It was nothing.

A soft breath leaves her lips as she looks at me with those eyes. The eyes that knows everything. The eyes that can see right through me.

“I know your heart is troubled, Zoe. Even though I might not understand it, I know you feel prisoned to this land.” She takes both my hands in her and squeezes tightly. “But I also know that your destiny lies somewhere else.”

She now looks at the blue horizon. “Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I misunderstood his words. But those eyes...” I squint my eyes as I try to understand her words. What was she talking about? Who was she talking about? Eyes? Whose eyes?

“Mom I don’t u-”

Chapter 2. Premonition 1

Chapter 2. Premonition 2


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