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Althea - The Dark Goddess (Book 3) novel Chapter 4

We settled down on the house by the beach that dad owned. I knew they weren't going to let me go off far as they decided where I got to be. For now.

I sit on the edge of the pool on the balcony staring at the all-so familiar view of the wide blue ocean. I was across the world but the scenery in front of me remained the same. No matter where I was, it was the only thing that didn't change.

It had been a week but all I did was be caged inside these walls. Even though they tried to make it seem unnoticeable, but it was pretty obvious with my sight and hearing. I sigh at the thought. What were they even thinking?

Even though I wasn't blessed with a gift like all the true Lycans, all my senses were stronger than them. I was faster, stronger even, but I didn’t bother correct anyone’s judgement on me.

I didn't want to stand out even more. Already being born a royal without gift was enough to make me an outcast, I didn't need to change or confirm anyone's belief.

Let's just say I was born different. With a heart filled with darkness.

It scared me in the beginning of what I would one day be. But not anymore, I guess. Over the years I have learned to just accept it. All of me. It was a part of who I was, and I wasn't afraid. Or so I thought.

I learned to control it. Conceal it. Use it.

Maybe that was my gift.

Or maybe it was my curse.

But what kind of goddess mother gives their child darkness as a gift. Maybe I wasn't good. Maybe-

"We'll be going to a campus nearby from tomorrow onwards." Egan breaks me out of my wild thoughts with his bizarre idea.

"Say what again? We'll be what?" I turn around to look at him, narrowing my eyes, expecting to hear something different.

"What? You didn't just expect to sit around and do nothing for eternity, did you?" He shrugs his shoulder and sits on one of the lounge chairs while I jump across the pool to stand in front of him.

"Guess what? I have already admitted us three. It's going to be fun." He rubs his palms together while his face said he was up to no good.

"Say what again?" I put my hands on my hips and glare down at him. "Well you could have at least asked us first. And you do know that this place is swarmed with humans, right? And what else?"

But he doesn't get my point, he just shrugs and leans back with both his hands under his head and closes his eyes. "Well we are here now so might as well have some fun-"

"And you think you have enough control over your gift to not blow everyone off or even cause a tornado while you are having fun?"

He peels open an accusing eye at me. "And whose fault is it that I don’t have enough control." I shake my head in disbelief and turn to head off to my room, away from him. "Be ready to leave at eight." He calls over my shoulder, but I continue walking. He was just insane.

That night I lay in bed and think about tomorrow. I have never been around a human or any other being apart from the Lycans. That too true Lycans only. So how does one act when surrounded by a crowd full of beings you had never encountered before? Was I ready for all this?

No. Definitely not.

But someday I had to go out there and learn to mingle with them. Right?

Chapter 4. Unforeseeable Future 1

Chapter 4. Unforeseeable Future 2

Chapter 4. Unforeseeable Future 3


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