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Althea - The Dark Goddess (Book 3) novel Chapter 5

I try to loosen the tight knots that was once again starting to form in my heart by creeping further into the crowd. Pushing past the intoxicated bodies, I move closer to the source of the hammering sound and directly underneath the blinding neon lights.

But whatever I was starting to feel did not go away. My eyes impatiently scanned the crowd from the centre of the dance floor while my heart thumped loudly. Deafening even me from this music. I was feeling restless at this point. All I needed was some clarification. An answer. Something to calm this raging heart. And this darkness that was once again starting to rise.

I was starting to think that it was a big mistake coming out tonight. I should have stayed in. Like a caged little bird. But no, I had to become a rebel and break free. What was I even thinking?

I frantically move around the bodies of people once I get my head straight. Trying to move past and get away from there. Away from here.

Whatever it was, I don't think my heart could take it. Or was it just me?

But at this point, I could care less. So, I do the only thing that I promised myself that I would never do.

I run away.

I scurry out of the club. Like a coward I was, I chose to run.

I sense the two Lycans right behind as I dash for the exit. And like the good brothers they were, they quietly follow me out. No questions asked.

When I reach my car, I don’t wait for them. I get into my Bugatti and zoom past the night until I reach the safety that the glass wall and the white ceiling provided.

I stand in the shower and let the cold water freeze my heart and my body numb. I want to understand this sullied heart of mine. Dark and rigid. But there’s too much dirt in my mind. It clouds my vision and cancels its voices. It makes me a weak little Lycan.

I turn my head up to the sprinkles of water and let it shower upon me. Everything subsides. Everything calms once again.

Everything but this prickling feeling in my heart. As if it cursed me for running away. As if I had committed a sin for running away from whatever it was that I ran away from. For being afraid of the truth. As if I ran away from my destiny.

But I don't know about destiny and her games. To me, she always seemed like one cruel goddess and I never wanted any part in her games of destiny.

Just then my heart once again squeezes tightly. Painfully. It kept getting harder to breathe. Even breathing was causing me pain now. Looks like my heart disagrees to my thoughts.

I place my hand over my left eye as my vision doubles. The spell was wearing off again. And I knew I was changing. Or more like I was reverting to my true form. The hideous form that I concealed.

From everyone.

From me.

I get off the shower and stand in front of the mirror as this unknown creature stares back at me.

She's not me.

I punch right in the centre of the mirror that reflects the monster in it. The monster that I am. Soon warm liquid oozes out from my knuckles, but it’s not long before it stops and starts repairing the broken tissues.

But not the broken me.

Nothing can heal this me.

Disheartened and weak, I walk out the bathroom and pull over a loose t-shirt while hastily picking up my phone from my purse. I call the only person that would understand. That always did.

Not even a second after, I hear my mom’s worried voice through the phone. “I’m coming over. It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay.”

At that point, I finally realised how heavily I was breathing. My tears had become one with the water dripping from my hair. I was pathetic. I was weak.


“It’s okay, love. I’m coming.” I hear her soft voice, but I could also hear the shuffling on the background. I know she was really planning on coming over. “Just take long deep breaths, alright. Close your eyes and I’ll be there before you know it.”

Chapter 5. An Empty Shell 1

Chapter 5. An Empty Shell 2


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