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Aztec's Luna novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6

It has been more than three months since Alexa came into this new world with Aztec. Slowly it was with his persuasion, force or dominance she did not know but Alexa was surprised at her own appetite and she gradually turned out to be a healthy and good looking young woman.  Aztec wasn't a lover boy. He wasn't a caring man like many of the men behave with their families or children but in a weird way he was capable of taking away her loneliness and instil life in her. Alexa began to see the brighter side of her like she was in a different life. Her face glowed with radiance and positivity.

She made new friends with a few woman working in the habitat. Some of them were married, their husbands worked for Aztec while others were unmarried girls like her. Among all of them Naira a beautiful girl around her age became a close friend of her. A month ago Aztec handed her a stack of notes instructing her to go shopping with Naira and buy everything she wanted after she was out of the bed, hale and healthy.

But Alexa wasn't willing to accept the offer. She was though a poor girl who did not have a penny to spend she had a very high self respect. She refused to take Aztec's money and was satisfied with the two pairs of pants and tops the house maid's of his house rendered to her when she newly came to the house. "Aztec you are an engineer here. Could you please employ me somewhere, so that I do not continue to be a burden for you and at the same time earn something for myself?" Alexa asked with expectancy.

Aztec took a step menacingly towards Alexa grinding his teeth. He held her arms so tight that his fingers would have definitely marked their place on hers. She hissed in pain but Aztec was a beast he cared nobody when his temper rose. He bent his head almost reaching the face of Alexa and grilled. "Did I ever tell you that you are a burden for me?" When Alexa did not reply fearing his angst he left her arms with a jerk and Alexa had to step her foot back to balance herself.

"Come with me now." He upheld his words predatory slipped a revolver in the back pocket of his pants and dumped a stack of notes in the other. Holding her hand Aztec pulled Alexa to the entrance and started the engine of his car. The complete day went with Alexa trying to model for Aztec in different dresses, shoes and even night wear but Aztec was a dominating freak. He would agree to nothing until he goes satisfied. Alexa silently thanked God that he left her with privacy to buy her lingerie.

"Why can't I select your lingerie when I could buy you all the other garments?" Aztec glowed out a low disapproving grunt. When Alexa refused to buy her inners and undergarments in the presence of Aztec, he had no choice but to leave her in the shop with privacy.

"He is Roxy and he is going to be your personal bodyguard from today." Aztec confirmed introducing a hefty and muscled man to Alexa who was seated at the dining table about to have his breakfast with them. Roxy nodded his head lightly as a form of greeting towards Alexa and went back to serve himself the toast and bacon.

When everything was slowly falling in its place Alexa wondered why she was suddenly requiring a bodyguard and Aztec answered her unasked question drinking the freshly made orange juice from his glass. "I have enemies all around my living and you being my sole weakness happens to be their easiest target. Roxy will accompany you where ever you go from today forward and be your personal bodyguard. Is it clear?"

Alexa just nodded her head in reply and pondered with thought at Aztec's statement - you are my sole weakness. If she was his sole weakness why would he exercise his dictatorship on her? He would treat her with love and care...like a princess. Though she was too young to remember everything between her parents Alexa still had a vague memory of the love and understanding between her parents. Her father loved her mother like a queen and not treated her like a slave.

Every time Aztec commanded her Alexa was reminded of her pet dog which her dad gifted to her on her sixth birthday. "Doggy sit, eat your food...stand..run."Was her life anything better than Solly her pet dog?

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2


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