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Bride Behind the Mask novel Chapter 649

Oh boy, this is a real pickle!

Hayes and Teresa found out from a chat with Old Man Manley that Aunt Marguerite's project had hit a snag. Manley also mentioned it was a big deal, and Mom was mainly to blame. Even Dad had rushed over to the scene!

Teresa was freaked out by the thought of Dad and Mom getting into it, so she racked her brain for something she could do to help. After some serious thought, Hayes suggested Teresa should go and play the family card with Dad, even dug up the DNA test results to prove she and Frederick were related.

The whole 'claiming kin' bit was major - if Dad found out, it would definitely take his mind off things. Maybe, just maybe, it could smooth things over between Dad and Aunt Marguerite.

But Teresa thought it was like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Dad and Mom weren't hitched yet, and they couldn't shake off that Yuna character. She was still in hot water. She didn't want to jump into the fray without looking.

The two kids, each with their own worries, couldn't come up with any good plan and just stared blankly at the paternity test. And wouldn't you know it, that's when Marguerite busted in!

Teresa was nearly out of her mind with nerves! "Mom! Ever heard of knocking? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Teresa, with her hair all over the place, grumbled in annoyance.

"I came to wake you up, didn't expect you guys to be up so early. Next time, I promise I'll knock, okay?" Marguerite reached out and pinched Teresa's chubby cheek, then asked, "So, how's that little project I gave you coming along?"

Marguerite shouldn't have mentioned it – now Teresa was really stressed. Seizing the chance, Teresa vented to Marguerite, flailing her arms with gusto, her emotions sky-high:

"Mom! It's like impossible! There are so many ways Dad's and your faces could mix, I can't decide how to put them together. It'd be so much easier if my brother just looked like me!"

Marguerite was a bit taken aback; she hadn't realized that playing portrait artist could be so tough. No wonder the kid looked like a hot mess, probably been too busy working to straighten herself up.

Out of the goodness of her heart, she said, "You can take a break, you know. I'm not in a rush."

Teresa's face fell, her rosy cheeks puffing up. "You're not in a hurry, but I am! I'm drawing my own brother, Mom! You've been looking for him for so long, of course, I want to help you out as soon as I can! Plus, Mom, I'm a perfectionist! I just can't leave work unfinished, otherwise, it'll just gnaw at me."

Teresa rambled on and on, rubbing her temples in exasperation. Marguerite watched her daughter's animated, non-stop chatter, nearly melting under the kid's cuteness.

Leaning forward to look her daughter in the eye, Marguerite spoke softly, "Alright, you can't rush everything. You can only do good work if you rest properly, right?"

Teresa nodded obediently, her tension easing a bit with Mom's comforting words. But her moment of relaxation was short-lived. Marguerite swiftly changed gears, winding Teresa up again.

"However, are you two up to no good? Why did you both get so jittery when I walked in? Hayes, what's that paper you're hiding? Let me have a look."


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