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Bride To The Island Wolf novel Chapter 2

He took her to his own cabin and she was very hesitant to enter. What if he was also going to hurt her?

“I'm just going to treat your bruises. Your cell is cold and dirty and you might get an infection” he said and grabbed a first aid kit. He began to bring out the things he would need.-

“may I... May I please... Please leave the door... Open?” she stuttered

“yes. You can also grab that baseball bat and dislocate my joints with it. Just in case I get hypnotized by your beauty”

Avril chuckled softly and entered the room, leaving the door open and grabbing the baseball bat. The young man was a bit surprised that she actually grabbed the bat.

As if on cue, Avril spoke up “I don't trust easily you see”

“neither do I” he said and smiled. He motioned for her to sit down and she did, then he took her hand where she had a little cut.

“your skin is so smooth and beautiful. You shouldn't have scars on it” he said as he began cleaning off the blood

“it stings” Avril said and winced


After cleaning it and disinfecting it, he put a band aid.

He did the same with the rest of the bruises and the cut on her lip.

“all good. I'm going to change that in a few hours”

“thank you”

“don't worry. No one would lay a finger on you in this ship. I won't permit it”

Avril smiled and nodded

“thank you”

“but what about my friends?” she asked


“the black girls in the cell”

“oh... Well, them too. They're safe now”

“thank you so much sir”

“call me Freddie”

Avril smiled and nodded. She felt a bit safe and happy. She hoped Freddie would keep to his word and not let them hurt her and the black girls, and also the Chinese girl.

“drink some water. I'll be right back” Freddie said and walked to the door

Avril saw a pack of bottled water and wanted to take one when some things ran across her mind.

Why are we being kidnapped in the first place?


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