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Bumpkin’s Rich Handsome Husband novel Chapter 1383

Sporting a down jacket that concealed her baby bump, Shirley did not seem pregnant and only looked like she had gained a little weight. It also helped that her morning sickness was not so severe; otherwise, her mother would have discovered her pregnancy.

Despite wearing a mask, it wasn't hard to tell that Shirley was tired and worn, given the dark circles under her eyes and the exposed skin.

Shirley's heart skipped a beat in fear as she listened to Mrs. Wilson. She gulped and smiled awkwardly, answering her mom with a casually fabricated reason, "Maybe it's because I pulled an all-nighter last night."

"Why have you been wearing a mask all this time?" Mrs. Wilson couldn't help but inquire when she noticed that Shirley had been wearing a mask since she arrived home.

She mentioned, "Take off the mask, or your ears will hurt later."

Shirley felt even more nervous when she was asked to remove her mask. She immediately explained, "I don't want to catch another cold as I just recovered from one." As soon as she uttered her response, she realized how feeble her excuse sounded.

While it is a feasible fear to worry about catching another cold, this is a hospital ward. Where is the cold breeze to begin with?

She swiftly changed the subject. "Why don't you take a rest, Mom? I want to talk to Dad." Shirley held her mother's hand and led her to the bedside, pressing her shoulder to sit her down. "I'm still young, and my body can handle this. Rest well."

It had just been a while since she last saw her parents, but they had aged so significantly.

How time has flown, Shirley thought. Her heart ached as she reminisced about her parents' youthful appearances.

Mrs. Wilson had not been resting properly due to her son's debt issues and the fact that her husband was beaten up. She was extremely exhausted after all the turmoil and sleepless nights; hence, she didn't pay much attention to Shirley wearing a mask.

Chapter 1383 Let Me Worry About The Money 1

Chapter 1383 Let Me Worry About The Money 2

Chapter 1383 Let Me Worry About The Money 3


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