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Bumpkin’s Rich Handsome Husband novel Chapter 1386

Veronica expressed her concern to Eleanor.

In response, Eleanor shrugged and said, "What else can we do? I can't risk you venturing into the hidden clan alone. Plus, I had evicted Troy before Christmas and passed the phone to Colt just now. As long as we use the specialized voice changer to communicate with them, everything should proceed smoothly."

In the interest of absolute secrecy, Veronica had Colt send Eleanor to a specialized recording session yesterday. The recordings were then integrated into a voice changer to handle incoming calls from Troy and Miguel.

Previously, Colt had followed Matthew's orders unquestioningly. However, after receiving stern warnings from Veronica, she no longer dared to disclose any information about Veronica to Matthew.

It was only then that Veronica trusted Colt and delegated important tasks to her.

"Anyway, let's just leave it at that for now," Veronica said, feeling desperate. If she hadn't sought Dominik's help this time, she honestly didn't know how Matthew would have gotten through this crisis.

"Let's take it one step at a time; it shouldn't be a big issue," Eleanor said after a moment of thought.

Veronica sighed, not responding to her remark, mainly because she didn't know what she could say.

An hour later, Veronica and Eleanor arrived at the airport and boarded the private jet.

The flight to Castron was scheduled to depart at 3 p.m. To streamline their journey, they chartered a private jet for direct travel to Castron. Simultaneously, they reached out to their friend in Castron in advance to coordinate airport pick-up and secure a booking for a cruise ship. They put these efforts in to minimize time consumption and expedite their journey to the hidden clan.

Meanwhile, in Bloomstead, Matthew was grappling with the overwhelming work issues at the company. Initially, he fretted about how to keep things hidden from Veronica. But when he learned that she would be attending "closed-door training," he breathed a sigh of relief.

Despite his efforts to control the situation through the public relations department, events were unfolding too rapidly. No matter how hard he tried to contain it, news would soon leak to the public, and Veronica would inevitably hear about it.

With Veronica suddenly in "training," he was free from worries and could focus wholeheartedly on handling company issues.

While Matthew found relief, someone else began to grow uneasy.

Chapter 1386 Shirley's Disfigurement Revealed 1


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