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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 35

Aiden's POV

"Aiden! Oh my God!"

I watched my mate's friend walked right to me, panicking and hysterical as she grabbed a fistful of her hair. Her eyes dilated, her lips trembling and I hate how my chest heavied and ache and fuck! Something bad did happen!

This is the fucking first time that I felt this way. I can't find my breath, I can't focus my mind, I can't think straight, and I don't know what to do or what the fuck is happening.

For a moment, I was immobile... stunned. And my fucking head is barely holding itself. Was this the mate bond? Is she gone?

No! Fuck no!

I can feel that she's still alive! She has to!

"Where is she?" my voice growled and low. I can't think straight. I can't sense her around and that gave me the urge to punch anyone or shift and bite off heads. Fuck. Where the fuck is she? "Tell me!"

"I don't know! My God! We were just running and I overrun her then I thought she's just behind but she was gone! I'm... I..."

She can't finish her sentence like her tongue was cut, which fucking frustrate the hell out of me more. She stroked her hands on her face, trembling. I can tell she's telling the truth but I can't gather any information with her hysteria state and that makes me desperate more!

Damn it! I need to know what the fuck happened!

Did she run away? But why? I tried making things lighter even after knowing what she is! Is she still scared that I might do something to her so she run away?

Or did someone took her?

Suddenly, I shiver from the thought.

It can't be. Who in their right mind would want to mess with me? No one!

"What happened?" it was Jacob who went after me.

I run fast, even faster than I ever did so reached here first. I can sense Seth running behind us, coming closer. I did not bother answering Jacob. I knew his mate can explain everything to him since it's dawning to me what stunt she's trying to pull.

Jacob went to her mate and looked at me with caution, then Seth finally arrived, stopping at my side.

Again, my Gamma fucking kept something from me. If something bad happens to Ashira, I'm not sure I can stop myself from blaming him.

I don't have time to chat with them. My wolf is howling inside like he can be heard. He is trying to reach Ashira! And I fucking want to howl right now, too!

"Which way did she go?" I asked, trying to be calm but I can feel myself shaking. Fuck I haven't felt any fear all my fucking life and yet the thought of losing her is making me shrink.

"W-We're running North... To the border. I-I reached first b-but she-"

"Why the fuck were you going that way?!" I didn't mean to startle her but my voice was loud and like thunder. I can't control it. I'm furious and wary is eating me whole. I'm a thread away from losing my patience with this shaking kitten friend of Ash.

Going to the border?! What the fuck? I know Ashira have no reason to be anywhere near any exit. We are good. We didn't quarrel, we made up. Considering her state, she wouldn't dare step out of my land but why the fuck!

I narrowed my eyes on Lucianna.

The friend.

Of course.

The friend who hates her childish mate is the one who wanted to run. To escape. And my queen is the one missing now!

For fuck's sake!

My growl was directed to her and I did it on purpose. I'm angered, annoyed but definitely not confused. I knew Lucianna is the root of this!

She tugged on Jacob's shirt when I lowly growled to her. Like she can be saved by anyone once I lose it.

My eyes went to Jacob, anger and superiority over him washed through me. He better leash his little kitten or else I would.

"I know." he said, clenching his jaw as he understand my thoughts. Mine clenches more. Yes, pup. Your mate is in deep trouble.

It's either Jacob will handle it or I will.

"We'll find her." Jacob said.

I will. I'll definitely will.

I growled.

A loud and mad growl, too intense that I felt Seth took a step back, knees shaken.

I did not wait and waste any more time. I run passed them, to North. If Ashira was trying to deliver her friend at the North border, she can't be that far. I'll look for her around that area. Maybe then I will sense her presence, becauce fuck, I can't track her!

Her friend said she reached the North first and Ash didn't made it to the border.

Fuck. Then no. She's not at the North.

I halt, miles away from where I was. I felt Seth came and cease on his heels, stopping just beside me.

"Aiden." His voice was almost apologizing. And I know.

I fucking knew that he's aware about Lucianna's escapade plan and that's enough reason that I'm reckoning of beating the shit out of him. He is into the plan. He knows what they will do. Yet, fucking yet, he refused to tell me or stopped it.

And I'm fucking mad that my own mate tried and hide something for me. Again.

Fucking. Again.

"I'll deal with you later, Sethurias." I growled and run east. Fast. I can't feel my legs, it's as if I was flying. I'm enhancing my senses more than it already is but I can't catch her scent. I fucking can't sense her aura either!

I'll try the East border where there is a cliff as the ends. If she's taken, which I'm plotting she was, that was the closest route.

My wolf is trying to take over. He thinks he'll do better at finding Ashira than I am and it angered me more.

'Let me!'

I ignore him.

'Let me out!'

'Shut the fuck up.' I growled back, clarifying that I'm most superior than him. That I have it under control. But am I?

I reached east through its edge. I eyed the surroundings and found no one. No guards? I sensed a guard available at a kilometre distance and I cursed under my breath. A loud growl envelops the silent clearing. I'm at the edge of a cliff. This is the east boarder and guards was supposed to have someone posted right where I was standing.

And. There's. Fucking. No. One.

"There's no fucking guards." I snarled when Seth keep up to my speed and stopped behind me.

He eyed the place and nodded. "Something's wrong."

I looked down the steep cliff and strong currents from the river below can be heard.

Something is definitely not right.

I turned to Seth. My jaw clenches, my hand formed into a fist and my eyes turned red. My alpha blood is taking over. Hard.

Harder than before.

"Someone broke in." I growled and opened my portal for every trackers and guards. 'Search the area of every border. Now!'

I can feel Seth flinched as he received the order as well since he was once a tracker. The pack bond was hitting him hard.

"Stay." I snarled at him, cutting him off the order I'd sent. He just nodded, beginning to be eased, but still avoids to look at my eyes.

My eyes shifted at the moon. The clear sky made it's quarter shape brighter. I felt the energy coming from it and it's embracing me like it can understand what I feel. Of how lost I am right now.

Suddenly I'm enraged. Worried as fuck. And unsteady. I need Ashira without reason. She can live without a purpose in her own life but she's certainly had one in mine. She's my air. I can't breathe without her. And it's so hard to breathe right now.

I don't know what I'll be once I lost her. I never been uncertain with my life but right now, I feel lost.

Where are you, my Luna?

I closed my eyes and howl loud.

Letting go of my anxiety and fear. Trying to take a grip of myself because I can feel like anytime, I'll lose it.

IT TOOK A lethal hour but there's still no sign of her. Of my mate!

I'm sitting on a log, hands on my head and my growls are heard continuously. I'm losing it.

Every trackers was scurried inside and outside my territory but still, no sign of Ashira.

And I hate myself even more because I can't sense her. At all. It's like she's shut. Like her presence was concealed.

I'm feeling fucking useless.

"Still nothing, Aiden." Nick said to me.

I inhaled hastily that my nostrils flare up and screwed my eyes shut. I haven't felt this frustrated.

Never but now!

"Hey, " Nick tapped my shoulders and I'm not sure whether he was consoling me or calming me. "She won't be far. The east ends on the cliff, there will be nowhere to run."

I shoved his arm away from my skin. That fact makes me feel ill more. She can be on my land, still, but we can't find her! I can't find her!

"Are you sure you can't sense her?"

I growled and looked at him with are-you-fucking-kidding-me-look.

"Can't smell, can't sense, I can't fucking reach her mind!" I snapped. I'm too demoralized. I can't think of anything else. Of any way. "I feel like she's blocking me but it's more like she's being concealed."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Exactly. There's no such thing." I snarled. The thought kept replaying inside my head after half-hour of searching. I can't reach her and the only way I can think of is that she's blocking me.

I suddenly wondered why. I'm trying to think positive but the thought of my mate being a stealer is continuously clouding my head!

"You don't think she's one of the bad kind..." he paused. "Wait, do you?"

I hissed and rubbed my palm on my face. He just blurted out what I was trying to shut off inside my head.

Yes, I'm beginning to speculate that way. Though upon thinking that Lucianna planned this from the start, it's adverse of negativity.

Unless she did plan this-


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