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Call me Alpha (Aiden and Ashira) novel Chapter 36

Ashira's POV

An hour and a half ago...

"Go! Run, fast, Luce!"

My heartbeat is drumming like crazy. I can't sense Jacob but I can feel Aiden was around. Seth must distract them or else- well, neither way will be worse. But I choose that my best buddy won't suffer more than she's already experiencing.

Whatever it is.

Lucianna ran past me, getting her quickest pace. I knew she feel the frustration and this nerving situation right now.

I can see the North border with my enhanced sight. Two-no- three guards were there.


Maybe I could distract them?

I was about to run faster and reaching to set there first but suddenly, I was on air!

"What the-"

"Hm, scent of Aiden. You're coming with me."

He's carrying me like I'm a sack of cotton and weigh none at all! Who is this guy!?

It's dark and I can't see him because I'm faced with his back. I'm literally carried like a sack of rice on his shoulder!

"Let me go! Who the fuck are-"

Before I could say more, we stopped.

What the fuck.

I looked around. There's no one I can sense. Not one soul. Where are we?

"Get in there." he pointed towards a mini cave under a huge tree and I just eyed it with knotted forehead before bringing my eyes to him.

I saw a tall man with bulky broad shoulders. He looked young. Maybe around Aiden's age. His voice is deep and commanding. His eyes are dark and deep which emphasize his pointed nose.

I'm not sure but I think he's familiar. It's weird but his eyes looked like Aiden's but Aiden's eyes are darker and more serious than his.

"Who are you?"

He sighed and scratched his nape as he tilt his head.

"Just get inside the cave and I'll tell you. My time is limited and there's no space for trust earning, Luna."

I eyed him for a long moment and didn't spoke a word.

He looked desperate. Frustrated. I'm not sure but there's hope and definitely lacking of fear.

Does he not fear that Aiden might come after him if he do anything to me?

"I won't harm you." He said in a deep stern voice that didn't justify his phrase at all.

I took a step back.

"I'm not too friendly with strangers."

He sighed, looked around and it seems like he's trying to sense the surrounding. I tried but my senses are still acting weird and still on Aiden-only-focus.

"Fine. I'm Zeke. I'm a rogue but I won't hurt you. I just want to talk."

"Wow. Like that was enough. I don't want a talk with you-"

"Your mate denied to have a peaceful conversation with me so my mother and I decided to reach out to you." He cut, completely ignoring my protest.

I crossed my arms around my chest and arched an eyebrow at him. Why's he bringing his mother in this situation? What is he, a child?

"If Aiden don't like the talk then I'm not-"

"Listen, I have an hour. Less, now. I don't know if you heard about my mother, her name is Zynia. I'm not sure if you heard her in your generation but she's..."

My mind stopped listening to his phrase when I heard the word Zynia.

Did he just mentioned the famous stealer, Zynia, as his mother?

This guy...


I'm sure he hadn't heard that Aiden's mate is a stealer. That I am a stealer. No one from the outside of my circle of friends knew about it. Even Lucy had no idea about it.

A minute passed and I tried to play safe yet my mind urges me to trust this man.

He better be sure he's not playing games with me! Fuck!


How can I be sure?

I'm not certain but I had a feeling that I needed to listen. Heck, if he really is Zynia's son then we need not to search for her anymore! His son is here! In front of me.

I held my hands up in the air to stop his words that I no longer understand. He did stop talking but grunt a bit from my gesture.

Okay, he have a bit of temper.

"Fine. I'll hear you out. But if in any way that you try and hurt me, I swear to-"

"I won't. Now, can you drink half of this?"

He reached for his pocket and showed me a little bottle with red liquid inside. My forehead creased as I looked in it.

"Are you trying to poison me?"

He grunt again and started loosening the bottle's cap. "If I want to kill you, I could tear you into half right now. Or crack your neck, but I haven't." he said with nothing but sarcasm.

When I made no move, he started groaning in frustration then he drank the liquid, gulping had of it before he handed me the rest.

I looked at the mini bottle and it was left with less than half of the red fluid now.

"Oh, fuck." he said and my eyes darted to him. He looked problematic and I'm knotting my forehead with every confusion about what the hell was happening.

"Listen. This potion will help me buy some time talking with you without being tracked. It will conceal us both. Now, drink this before they found you. I over drank some and the rest will only function for an hour. Go on and drink it!"

I'm not sure if he's telling the truth but this is definitely not a poison. He drank most of it.

With uncertainty, I reached for the bottle and gulped every drop of liquid left. It tastes like rain and herbs but I felt nothing.

"Good. Now, let's use the cave to hide."

He walked towards it first and I slowly followed. Everything around me is dark now.

"I'm losing my sight." I said in a panic.

"No, that's the potion's doing. It ceases your enhanced senses so what you're feeling right now is the normal sight of a human. The effect will serve for an hour."

I growled. This is how humans sees at night? Damn. It's too dark! No wonder they got flashlights and such.

He moved fast and now, we're both seated facing each other in like two meters away.

"What's your name?"

His face is emotionless. Like he's not interested in our conversation a bit.

I cleared my throat and met his ice-cold eyes. "Ashira."

He nodded. " Well, I'll cut the chase and get straight to the point. Will that be okay?"

I nodded. "I'm sure I got questions."

"I can't promise we'll have time for that but whatever I can answer within the time allotted, I will."

I slowly nodded my head. Suddenly, I feel like the time was slowed and confusingly, I felt safe.

"This will be hard to understand if you're without knowledge of stealers and -"

"I know everything about it. Your mother's story, too." I said, cutting his words that may save us time.

He stopped talking and looked at me like he's studying my face as if I was lying.

This guy has trust issues. And for someone who's asking for my trust, he sure don't mirror the same.

"That's better. Well then, I'm the son of Zynia and Zeuracious. Familiar with the names?" He continued and arched an eyebrow as he said the question.


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