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Chasing the rejected Luna novel Chapter 10


Sophia's POV



Alexander walked out of the room as if was about to murder someone. It made my blood run cold in my veins. It wasn't like him to be so nice. But for a moment, I had almost fallen for him. What was I thinking?


My feet burned under my weight. I didn't have to mention Dianne. She was blackmailing an Alpha. At least that was what it looked like to me. My feet were running around the room as my brain conjured up images of what was currently happening with Dianne. 


It was a fact that I hated Dianne. But not enough to wish her dead. Not wanting to die of curiosity, I made my way to the door but was stopped when it opened, revealing a servant in a white uniform. 


She was holding a bag - my bag. I was shocked at seeing it as my legs stopped in their position, my eyes searching hers for an explanation.


"Alpha Alexander instructed me to bring your things to his room," she said and avoided my gaze. No, they couldn't know yet that I'm Alexander's mate. 


"Why?" I asked her and she took her time to think through my question. Her mouth opened a few times to say something but each time she did, she caught herself.


"He said you would be staying with him here," she said and I looked back at the bags on her hand. 


I didn't know what to say. If I should give in to the rage that was consuming me or wait for Alexander to be back we talk it through. I chose the former as the anger threatened to overcome me. 


"Just go," I was angry at Alexander. How dare I think he changed for the better like he had told me?


"No, wait. Do you know where he is?" I asked the maid when she was about to close the door. 


"No, but I think I saw him going to Dianne's…" 


"It's fine, I'll just go there and meet him or something," I said to her and she nodded her head, leaving me in the quiet room to think through my anger. 


I wanted an explanation from him and I wanted it now. Heck! Why does he always do that? He's controlling and domineering. He doesn't know if I want to stay in the same room with him. I tried to forgive him and let bygones be bygones when he humiliated me in front of Alpha Ryven. But I couldn't let that stand. I'm a person with emotions. Not some puppet.


I opened the door with as much force as I could muster, not seeing through the anger that burned through me. I made it outside of the pack house and beyond. My destination was Dianne's house. I didn't think about how awkward it would be when I confronted Alexander or how Dianne would take it. 


According to her, Alexander still belonged to her and would be for a very long time. 


"Did someone offend you?" Alpha Ryven's voice reached my ears and I turned around to see him lounging at a tree, his hands in his pockets, highlighting his muscles. 


Trying not to let my eyes roam his body, my eyes stuck to his face like glue. I composed myself. The last thing I wanted was for him to let me see me in my angry state. I looked like a tomato when I was pissed. And I'm sure as hell I looked like that at that moment. 


"No, why?" I laughed. The laugh came out dry and strange. He didn't laugh with me and walked over to me. The sun glared down at us, almost matching the glare I planned on giving Alexander.


"Your mouth says no but your face says otherwise. So you want to talk about it? Over coffee?" He asked me and I did a double check to make sure he was talking to me. It wasn't strange that he was asking me for coffee but that he had asked me out when he knew I was Alexander's mate. 


"I don't know. I'm fine honestly. I was just hot. That's all."


"Stop that bullshit. I know you were mad at something. And I also know it has something to do with your Alpha. What better way to let it out than over coffee? Don't worry, it'll be at a cafe," he said, looking into my eyes. I could not lie to him again with the look on his face. And I heard myself telling him how okay I was with it when my mind screamed at me to go back into Alexander's room and wait quietly for him to return. 


I never listen to my mind. And I was scared at how I was becoming a pro at it. 


He led me to his car. I had a sudden urge to turn around and bolt. My hands become sweaty and my eyes dilated. I was shaking visibly when I felt Alpha Ryven's hand on my shoulders. He turned to face me.


"I can't do this," I said to him and turned away so that he wouldn't see the tears that stained my cheeks. But he did anyway because he took my face in his hand.


"What's wrong? You were fine a moment ago," he said and held my hand. His voice sounded far away. And I was back to the night I lost my parents on that bridge. 


"Mom… dad…!" I screamed and cried, thrashing around on the floor with their bodies not healing. I didn't understand why they were not healing and till that moment, I had no idea. 


The sight of them that night gave me sleepless nights. Sometimes I dream of them. I missed them so much it hurts to even think about them. 


10: Memories 1


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