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Chasing the rejected Luna novel Chapter 5


Sophia's POV



"Come here, don't you know you have to wash these dishes?" The head maid barked at me. I flinched from the tone of the voice used on me. I had woken up late again. That seemed to be new for me. I didn't know what was wrong as I clutched the hem of my worn-out gown and stared at the floor. 


"I'm sorry ma'am," I whispered while avoiding the gaze of other maids in the kitchen. I knew this was some work of Dianne to make the head maid more strict with me but she could do nothing like always. 


The head maid gave me one last look and stormed out of the kitchen without saying another word. And I released the breath I didn't know I had been holding. My nerves were frayed as I took shaky steps to the sink. And that was when my eyes caught up on something at the far end of the room. 


"It's yours," one of the maids said when she noticed my gaze. 


"Mine?" I asked and looked at the maid to be sure she was talking to me. The maid only gave me a blank look underneath which was hidden in jealousy. That couldn't be what I thought it was, was it? I asked myself and moved over to the thing that had caught my attention. 


It was a bouquet and a little letter. Noticing the owner of the things had gone to where it was, all the other maids stopped what they were doing and gathered at my back to get a peek at what was in the big white nylon beside the bouquet.


I was stunned when I picked up the little paper. On it was boldly written 'Sophia'. The person couldn't be mistaken, I was the only one named Sophia who worked in the pack house. 


My curiosity got the better of me as I took up the white nylon and peeked inside. It was so the other girls wouldn't know what was contained in it. They never liked me to begin with, so what's with all the curiosity?


My breath caught in my throat as my heart pounded thunderously. There must be a mistake somewhere. That was the only word that kept ringing in my head while I stared at the box of expensive chocolates. While my hand unconsciously brought it out to get a clearer view of it. I put down the box of chocolates, drowning out the whispering of the girls behind me.


And picked up the small note. The note was neatly folded into two and was handwritten. 


'Hey Sophia, we didn't get to talk yesterday. So I just bought this as a little gift for our newfound friendship. I hope you like them. 


From your friend and secret admirer, Ryven.' 


I read the note over again trying to remember any friend that was named Ryven. But no matter how much I tried, I came up blank. My eyes caught on the bracelet on my wrists and that was when I remembered the Alpha I met the day before. It couldn't be him, right? Deep within me, I knew it was him. But why? I was just a lowly slave in the pack whom no one wanted to make friends with. I gulped down and put down the paper. 


I didn't know some girls had gotten so close to me to the point they could read what was contained in the letter until I bumped into one of them. 


"Sorry," the girl said sheepishly and moved away from me. Turning around, I noticed all the maids looking at me with… was that jealousy and hatred? I couldn't decipher. But one thing was sure. They hated me. But now, it seemed like they all wanted to smoothen me out with their eyes. 


The bang of the door against the entrance brought my eyes to meet up with that of Alexander's blazing orbs. Not today, not now. I lamented and looked away, baring my neck in submission. 


Wasn't rejecting me enough for him? Why does he have to be in the same space as me? My heart began to hurt when I remembered the rejection. I wanted to accept the rejection and move on but something always held me back. Maybe it was a form of sign that he wanted me back. 


But he had already made it plain that I would never be his mate and future Luna. To make matters worse, he wanted to make me his mistress. The thought made my blood boil in anger. 


Alexander strode into the room and grabbed the letter that was in front of me. Standing close to me, his smell overwhelmed my senses. I wanted to lean into him and breathe in all of him. I didn't know if I was having the same effect on Alexander because he knew how to mask his emotions well. 


The noise of shredded papers brought me out of my trance as I watched in horror while Alexander pieced the letter. 


"What are you doing?!" I asked and touched his hand while trying to stop him. But that made it worse as I felt the familiar tingles. 


"Riding him off you. Now come with me. You have a lot of explanation to offer," Alexander said, not at all affected by the tone of voice I used on him.


Maybe he was too consumed by his anger to notice it or he didn't want to go down the lane. And what does he mean by explanation? I don't belong to him and would do as well as I pleased. 


"I don't have anything to say to you," I said in a weak tone which was a sharp contrast to how I envisioned it in my head. 


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