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Chasing the rejected Luna novel Chapter 7



This was not something I could take. My beast was at the forefront of my mind now, fighting for control to end whoever had disrespected us. I gritted my teeth hard and fisted my hands. My claws were already out and they pierced my palm which made blood drop to the white tile floor.


"Let me in. How dare she? Such insolence. I won't tolerate it," My wolf Tylen growled and pushed forward.


"Stop. Just fucking stop. If you kill her, it will be the end of us."


"Are you scared of this weak girl? If the moon goddess wanted to punish me, she would have done so in another way and not given me a weak human counterpart," Tylen, my wolf growled, his strength becoming something I couldn't compete with. 


"Stop spilling nonsense," I said and used the last of my strength to push my wolf to the back of my mind and create a mind wall. Tylen tried to pull it down. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't because he couldn't beat the laws of werewolves. 


The mind walls created by werewolves against their wolves were very strong and could not be broken down except the human was in a delirious state. 


My heart beat faster and my hands had a stinging sensation which meant I was healing already. Werewolves have a strong healing ability, unlike humans. I was angry at Dianne as my veins throbbed in my veins. 


Looking up at her, I found her hurdled by the wall, her face as white as a sheet of paper. Served her right. Next time, she wouldn't dare threaten me again. That thought brought a wicked smile to my sinful lips. Not like I would admit it to my wolf, but my wolf had helped me overcome whatever was on the way.


"I'd…I'd be taking my leave now," Dianne mustered up courage and stood up. On shaky legs and ragged breath, she walked hastily to the door without looking back. That was the first time she had seen me lose control like that. 


"Good. And don't ever step your foot in here. I don't want Sophia getting the wrong idea," I said and Dianne's step flattered on the floor. She stopped to say something but held herself back and left the room with a bang. Seems she still hasn't learned her lesson. Dianne was stubborn as a mule. One of the things that drew me to her. 


I exhaled and sat down on my bed, running a hand through my hair. That was close. 


"Don't do that again. She's the Beta's daughter for heaven's sake!" I exclaimed at Tylen. Tylen could only claw harder at the wall created but couldn't respond. He could hear me clearly but was not able to reply because of the wall. 


I got up from the bed when my heart rate had returned to normal and walked to my office. The files on my desk were screaming for my attention. I better get them done unless I want to be what I had always despised - laziness. 


"We should have taught her a lesson. A little scar to her pretty little face would have been perfect," Tylen said when I put down the mind wall. 


I brought the glass of wine that was in my hand to my lips. It ran through my throat burning it along the way. It gave me a feeling I couldn't explain. Something that had always helped me when I needed it. 


"No. That would have been worse. You know how well she takes pride in her body or face," I said and plumped down on my chair. The sight of so many files to handle was making me dizzy. 


"Hmm, but I can't promise you I won't try it the next time. She should be put in her place," Tylen argued back. 


"Yes, yes. I get you. Now, how do we get these done?" I asked, the headache coming to me at a snail's pace. 


"Your headache. Not mine," Tylen said and settled to the back of Alexander's mind. 


My jaw twitches violently from my wolf's nonchalant behavior. He had always been that way, leaving me to do things myself. The only time he comes out is when he senses disrespect and when Sophia is nearby. 


"Get a Beta or something," my wolf said when he read my thoughts. Maybe he was feeling guilty but I couldn't tell. Tylen never felt guilty about anything. And the only time he had felt guilty was when he fought me over something when we were little.


"You know we can't just choose any Beta. Rudolph was supposed to take over from his father, now he's no more. And my father is thinking of putting Dianne."


"Then let Dianne be the new Beta. Don't be so worked up about it," Tylen said with something close to an eye roll. And I picked up the first file. It was about a neighboring pack requesting my attention to settle some rogue attack. 


I breathed in and out in exhaustion. It was barely a day and they were already calling for my help. 


"Let Dianne take over. The earlier the better. Although, I don't want you to be together with her. She's cunning and wicked. I've always known there's something about her. And she wants to threaten us with-"


"It's fine really. I won't complain about it again. But right now, I need some quiet," I quickly pushed Tylen to the back of my mind as I could feel his anger mixing with my emotions. 


The last thing I wanted was to create some chaos in my office because of Dianne. 


I didn't want Dianne to be the Beta. Not because I thought she was incapable but because it would be a perfect opportunity for her to get close to me again. And with my plans of claiming back Sophia, I was sure she would come in the way. 



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