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Chasing the rejected Luna novel Chapter 6

Alexander's POV



What does she even mean by that? I grumbled for the hundredth time and pushed back Orion who was fighting with me in the pack's training ground.


I hated that I was feeling that way. Hell, if only I could turn back the hands of time and accept Sophia. She had been on my mind since the day I rejected her and it hasn't been easy keeping up with my stubborn wolf who refused to speak to me since the incident.


A cut to my thight brought me to reality. Looking up, I saw Orion smiling at me and my blood boiled. Nothing was funny to me at that moment. The thought of how I lost to Sophia was all that was keeping me in the field.


"Still thinking about her?" Orion asked while he circled me with a shining sword in his right hand. He attacked me which was easily blocked by me and was pushed back. 


"Yes. What do you expect me to think of? She rejected me. She fucking rejected me! Who the hell does she think she is? A saint?" I gritted my teeth while my temples throbbed from exhaustion but I refused to give up. 


"Hush now Alpha. Don't let her hear you. It could be the last time you hear from her," Orion said and backed away. I wasn't thinking straight and he knew what I could do at that moment.


"And who will take her? Alpha Ryven? That will start a bloody war for taking what belongs to me! I only invited him to the party. Why is he still here?" I said and sat on the ground with a plump while I glared at the grass beneath me. 


"Alpha, you know it's no one else's fault she rejected you. You were being a dickhead. You called her names remember? I was there when the shit happened."


"And? That doesn't exclude that she still doesn't want me until I am her-" 


"Prince charming," Orion completed the sentence and sat down close to me. But he made sure to give me some space in case I decided to go completely crazy on him. 


Orion, Rudolph and I had been best friends since we were little. But Rudolph and I had been closer. And that was the reason I felt his death more than Orion and kept blaming Sophia. Although a little part of me never believed she could be so cruel, what to do when all the evidence was pointed towards her?


"And I don't bloody know how to be someone's prince charming," I growled and stood up at once, taking a chunk of sand with me.


"Hey, you need to calm down. I'm here for you alright? In case you need help or anything."


"Can't you see I fucking need help? I'm losing my mind here. I have no fucking idea what she means by that!" I stopped and threw a glare on Orion's way. Orion raised his hands in surrender. I was a ticking time bomb right now. Even if he was my closest friend at that moment, I could hurt him. 


"Alexander, you need to tone down on your swear words. There are pups around." Orion cautioned and I sighed in defeat. 


The other warriors who had been training with us gave us a lot of space because of how irritable I was. They knew that any little trigger from me could make their lives end in a matter of minutes. I was a beast. But I could also be a good person when I want to. That's why I have won the hearts of many in the pack. 


Choosing an Alpha wasn't just about bloodline alone. The elders of the council could also consider if the Alpha has the best interest of the pack at heart. And because I had on the hearts of many through my good deeds, I was easily made Alpha of the pack. 


"You're not helping me here. Any advice on what to do? I asked her if she wanted clothes and the stuff girls like but her reply was just that."


"Don't you get it? She wants you to treat her like she matters to you. Like she is not some kind of garbage. That -"


"Exactly what she said. How do you know so much about women? The last time I checked, you were still a virgin," I smirked, my deathly aura gone, replaced by my playful attitude. Orion rolled his eyes and gave me a blank look. 


"I read lots of books. Now back to Sophia. You should get her gifts and show you want her, like getting her the things she loves. You could ask her."


"She doesn't want to be in the same space as me," I said, frustration leaking from my voice. My head was turned to the sky. 


"I'll do that for you. She doesn't see me as a bad person. I'll get going now. Remember all that I've said to you," Orion said and stood up from the ground. He bared his neck in submission and walked away from me leaving me in my thoughts. 


"I want you to get the information from her today," I mindlinked Orion and told him about it. Orion groaned and was about to complain when I cut off the link. He should complain to himself. He wouldn't dare disobey his Alpha. I chuckled.


I stood up and walked to my room to get a bath. My shoes echoed in the dark and silent hallway. My head had been filled with the image of Sophia all day and I could not do anything, not even to get pack duties done. 


Hell was wrong with me? I was never like this. I was an advocate of getting things done at the right time. I inhaled in and out, my chest rising and falling with the action. 

06: Advice 1


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