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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 101

The moment Eileen stepped out of the airport, she turned around, her curiosity pushing her to look for her fans, to see if they had turned up yet. But before she could see anyone, Egbert had already pulled her into a black business car.

Eileen was plastered against the car window, still looking back.

The car started rolling. Watching the airport entrance get farther and farther away, Eileen sighed and turned her head in disappointment.

The assistant driving the car laughed and said, "Eileen, you're so popular now. How could your agency let you go back alone instead of sending a car?"

Eileen looked at the assistant curiously, then said, "They probably didn't think anyone would pick me up."

Just then, her phone rang. It was a call from Ophelia.

Eileen answered the phone, and Ophelia's voice came through immediately, "Where are you? Whose car is that?"

Eileen turned around in surprise. She saw a white sedan following them. And driving it was Ophelia.

Eileen told Egbert, "Can you pull over? My agent is here to pick me up."

Egbert was silent for a moment, then waved to the assistant to pull over.

Eileen switched cars.

Ophelia scanned the departing black business car, then turned to Eileen, "Was that Egbert's car?"

Eileen buckled her seatbelt in the passenger seat and said, "Yes."

"Are you and Egbert on good terms?"

"Very good."

Ophelia frowned, started the car, and said, "I saw your live stream. You've attracted a lot of attention. You're famous now."

Eileen beamed at the news. She absentmindedly twirled a lock of hair and quipped, "Am I famous now? But I do have fans coming to pick me up. Maybe that means I'm famous."

Ophelia glanced at her, "Don't get too cocky. How long can this kind of attention last? Remember, just last year, so many newcomers rose to fame out of nowhere. But just after a year, they've all faded into obscurity."

Eileen lowered her head, deflated, "Can't I be happy for a bit?"

"You can be happy, but don't get complacent," Ophelia said sternly. "I'll drop you home today. Rest well, and we'll discuss work at the company tomorrow. And I've arranged an assistant named Janice for you. She's experienced. She'll pick you up tomorrow, and the company's arranged a car for you. Janice will also double up as your driver."

Hearing the good news, Eileen perked up, "A car to pick me up? I'm flattered."

Ophelia retorted, "Since when did you start feeling embarrassed?"

Eileen immediately asked, "Will the company cover the gas expenses?"

Ophelia drew a deep breath, "You'll have to cover the gas yourself."

After saying that, Ophelia added, "About your relationship with Egbert, I need to remind you. I understand that your interactions on the show were part of the program. But in private, it's best to reduce contact."

Eileen turned to look at Ophelia.

Ophelia said, "Netizens are joking that you guys are comrades and friends. Egbert's fans are also grateful to you for always protecting him. But after the show ends, things will change. If you continue to be close, fans might resent it."

Eileen fell into deep thought.

Ophelia pressed, "Did you hear what I said?"

Eileen nodded, "I heard. But I have something going on with him. It might be hard to keep my distance unless you can help me."


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