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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 111

Teresa was totally clueless.

"What's an Eileen hater?"

Her assistant explained. "Basically, Eileen pissed off some folks, so they hired professional haters to rag on her. Now there are new haters in the mix, so the old haters are pissed off; they probably feel like their turf is being encroached on. So they started fighting with our haters, but our guys aren't part of this feud."

Teresa felt a massive headache coming on. She lowered her head to look at the comments below.

The comment section was filled with malice and negativity; it was an endless stream of insults.

Teresa's eyes were hurting just from reading them.

Just as she was about to refresh the page, the whole topic suddenly vanished.

Teresa was stunned. "What's happening?"

Just then, her assistant's phone rang.

After reading the message, the assistant awkwardly said, "The hater we hired said his account got temporarily banned because the comment section was loaded with personal attacks, insults, profanity, and obscene words. After being reported numerous times, the official system flagged his account as potentially risky."

Teresa fell silent.

There was a sudden knock on the door outside the resting room.

Teresa's eyes changed, and she paused before telling her assistant, "Go open the door."

Meanwhile, Eileen was also browsing the same topic when it suddenly disappeared.

"What happened?"

Janice checked and said, "It's not my internet."

Eileen finished her chicken leg, wiped her hands, and stood up. "Ignore them; Ophelia will take care of it."

Janice admired Eileen's nonchalance. "Eileen, you're the toughest celeb I've met. So many people are ragging on you, but you just don't care."

Eileen immediately showed her firm stance. "What's there to care about? I'm a nice person; I don't usually pick fights."

Janice nodded approvingly. "So, if I eat the rest of your chicken leg, you won't fight me over it, right?"

Eileen responded with a cold laugh. "Of course not; I won't just not fight you; I won't not harm you either, honestly."

Janice struggled to find a response.

The afternoon shoot was scheduled to start at 1:30 p.m. But when the time came, Galen was nowhere to be found.

Eileen sat in her chair, looking at the two empty chairs on the other side; one belonged to Teresa, the other to Egbert.

Neither of them had shown up.

After waiting for another half hour, the assistant director arrived and said that they were going to stop work for the day.

Stop work?

The crew started to chatter.

Eileen was also surprised.

When she got back to her room for dinner, Eileen didn’t see Galen or the two main actors.

Janice, having heard some rumors, ran over to tell Eileen. “Apparently, it’s about a contract issue.”

“Contract?” Eileen was puzzled. “We’ve started filming already; what contract issue could there be?"

Janice shook her head. "I'm not sure…"

Just then, there were some noises in the hallway.

Eileen, in her pajamas, stood up. "Egbert must be back; I'll go take a look."

As Eileen opened the door, she saw that it was indeed Egbert trying to unlock his door.

Eileen walked towards him with her hands in her pockets.

Egbert glanced at her, opened the door, and walked in.

Eileen followed him inside and closed the door.

Egbert looked tired; he took off his coat, threw it onto the sofa, and went to pour himself some water.

While sitting down on the sofa, Eileen asked directly. "What happened?"


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