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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 123

On the third day after Eileen returned to the Capital, she got a call from Ophelia. Ophelia offered her a new opportunity for a variety show. When Eileen saw the screenshot of the project that was sent to her, she asked in surprise, "A talent show?"

Ophelia explained, "Your recent performance as a backup dancer for Colin has caused quite a stir online, so several talent shows have sent you invitations. However, we don't intend for you to be a contestant. They want you to be a celebrity coach."

Eileen was confused. "What's a celebrity coach?"

Ophelia explained, "In this show, in addition to four coaches and one hundred contestants, three celebrities will be invited as celebrity coaches. Each celebrity coach will represent a team. During the show, eliminated contestants can have the chance to join the celebrity coach's team. During the stage performance, the recommended team will draw lots to challenge the advancing team. If they succeed, the members of the recommended team can return to the competition."

"So, if someone gets eliminated, I can have her join my team, then help her challenge those who haven't been eliminated, and if she succeeds, she can rejoin the competition?"

Eileen basically got it.

Ophelia responded, "That's pretty much it. The job isn't complicated, and you don't have to do much. The production team will arrange dance and singing teachers to train them. You just need to give them encouragement at the right time."

Eileen thought the job sounded pretty easy, so she asked, "What's my pay per episode?"

Ophelia chuckled. "Knew you'd ask that. You'll get eight grand per episode. Following the company's and your distribution ratio, you'll probably earn around fifty thousand after twelve episodes."

"Fifty thousand!" Eileen quickly agreed. "Alright, I'm in!"

The talent show was called Shining Star. Eileen arrived at the recording site the day before the show was to be recorded. To maintain the mystery of the show, the production team didn't let the stars meet in advance but wanted to capture their reactions when they first meet each other on the second day of recording.

Eileen asked with a smile, "So, among the coaches or celebrity coaches, are there people I know?"

The staff member nodded. "Definitely people you know."

The next day, when Eileen entered the recording site, she found out that she knew one of the coaches - Hubery.

As Eileen walked past the coach seats, she saw Hubery looking at her in surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect her to be there.

Eileen shook her head, she had guessed the show's gimmick. She originally thought that Hubery's appearance was enough to surprise her, but she didn't expect an even bigger surprise was yet to come. A few more coaches and celebrity coaches entered the scene one after another, but the last one to make an appearance was Aurora.

Aurora walked up to the stage with a smile.

Aurora's appearance in the show was unexpected for everyone. Both the coaches and the celebrity coaches were surprised. The cameramen quickly captured all of this.

At the same time, one camera was specifically focused on Eileen. She and Aurora had both participated in the Traveller 5+1 show, but because of Egbert's choice, a subtle conflict arose between them.

Eileen also joined two shows with Hubery. But in these two shows, Eileen never showed a friendly face to Hubery.

Now, having Eileen, Aurora, and Hubery on the same screen was enough to create at least five hot topics for the show's premiere.

Current talent shows were popping up like mushrooms after a rain. If they didn’t do some promotion and marketing, they couldn’t attract attention.

When Eileen saw Aurora, she was speechless. But she didn't expect there to be an even bigger surprise waiting for her in the show.

Later, the hundred contestants came on stage one after another. Eileen was surprised to see Hedy standing in the middle of the hundred people!

Both Hedy and Hubery, didn't expect to see Eileen here. Hedy looked terrified. But Eileen just felt a bit helpless.

Dealing with Hedy was like effortlessly squashing an ant, so Eileen was already bored with it.

Once everyone was present, the show started with the contestants' debut performance.


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