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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 128


The audience was suddenly all hyped up!

The host, trembling with excitement, asked, "So, you never ever contradict her? Is that true?"

Egbert chuckled lightly with his gaze still fixed on Eileen.

The host, taking a deep breath, turned to Eileen. "Ms. Lopez, if I may ask, what's your relationship with Mr. Reed?"

Eileen picked up the microphone and coolly replied, "I'm his boss."

Seeing everyone fall silent, Eileen continued, "If anyone bullies him, I'll step in and protect him. I also take him to collect his winnings, so being his boss shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Egbert calmly said, "Let's move on to the next segment."

The host stammered, trying to guide Egbert to his seat. Suddenly, he received a notification from the director through his earpiece. "Put Egbert in the judges' seat. We paid him 500,000 for his appearance. He should be on camera more!"

The host felt awkward, turned off his microphone and whispered into his earpiece, "Director, isn't that inappropriate? The four coach seats were specially made, we can't just add one."

The director said, "We can add one to the celebrity coach seats. He was invited by Eileen, so they can sit together. Just keep them chatting. We're arranging the seating."

The host resigned himself to the situation, turned his microphone back on, and continued chatting with Egbert.

Egbert seemed oblivious to the behind-the-scenes maneuvers, and amiably chit-chatted with the host.

Five minutes later, the seating was arranged. The host personally invited Egbert to sit next to Eileen at the judges' table. Aurora couldn’t help herself and asked, "Isn't the guest seat over there?"

The host quickly explained, "Well, actually, Mr. Reed isn't just Ms. Lopez's guest today. He's also our honored judge and award presenter! That's why he's sitting here!"

The titles of honored judge and award presenter were obviously made up on the spot. But hey, they paid him a whopping 500,000, right? That was a cool half-a-million bucks!

He was here, so why not make the most of his star power? Otherwise, wasn't that money just going to get wasted?

Did you know how hard the director had to work to get that appearance fee approved? He almost had to beg at the door of the station head office!


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