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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 146

About ten minutes later, the car pulled up under the TV station building.

Eileen hopped out of the car silently.

She turned around and made her way back to the TV station, took the elevator up. Inside, she bumped into two of the staff.

They greeted her and she responded in kind.

After a while, they suddenly asked her, "Ms. Lopez, you seem in a good mood."

Eileen was taken aback and looked at them.

The two staff members chuckled, pointing to the elevator mirror, saying, "You've been grinning like a Cheshire cat since you got in here."

Eileen glanced at her reflection.

A smile was indeed playing around her lips, and she looked relaxed.

After thinking for a moment, Eileen said softly, "Something happened earlier that made me really happy. I finally found someone who helped me a long time ago, someone I've been searching for, for a long time."

The two staff members quickly said, "Well, good for you!"

Eileen sighed, "But he doesn't want to accept my repayment."

The two staff members responded, "For some people with high integrity, they help others not for the sake of money."

Eileen nodded, "So I didn't give him money. What I gave him was my blessing."

The two staff members were speechless.

Eileen looked a bit worried, "Can you guys help me brainstorm a bit? What can I do to repay him that he'll accept?"

One of the staff members hesitated before saying, "Maybe you could try giving him some money? Maybe this is a problem that money can solve?"

Eileen shook her head, "I don't think that will work. Because usually, if money can solve the problem, I can't."

The two staff members were speechless again.

Eileen continued, "And like you said, he's a person of high integrity. If I give him money, isn't that an insult? I can't do that!"

The two staff members remained silent.

After stepping out of the elevator, Eileen was still worrying over this issue.

At the end of the day's work.

That night, she returned to the hotel, originally intending to have a chat with Egbert.

But she heard that Galen and Egbert had already left.

They had come to see her on their way, and after meeting her, they had to go back to continue shooting Eyes on the Rendezvous.

Eileen felt disappointed and sighed in her room.

Janice, holding a tablet, asked her, "Eileen, the first episode of Shining Star aired today, aren't you going to watch?"

Eileen looked up, "What's Shining Star?"

Janice was speechless, "It's the talent show you're currently filming!"

With that, Eileen remembered.

She made a couple of "oh" sounds, slowly moved next to Janice, and rested her chin on Janice's shoulder, looking at the tablet in her hand.

Janice was like a tablet stand, supporting Eileen as they watched together.

Overall, the show was pretty good. The production team had a budget, they did sufficient promotion, as soon as it aired, the views shot up, and there were a lot of comments.

Eileen watched for a while and was surprised to see that the production team had intentionally protected and beautified her image.

She told Janice, "I actually swore here, but it was cut out. And here, here, and here, all cut..."

After listening for a while, Janice couldn't stand it anymore and asked, "Is there ever a time when you don't swear?"

Then Karin made her appearance.


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