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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 150

While eating, Eileen noticed that Egbert seemed to be a bit distracted.

She asked, puzzled, "What's up? You don't like the food here?"

Egbert glanced at her, replying nonchalantly, "Nothing."

Seeing Eileen chomping away at her meat, Egbert put down his fork and said helplessly, "Eat some veggies, will ya?"

Eileen didn't respond, continuing her carnivorous feast.

After finishing her meal, downing some soup, and devouring most of the fruit, Eileen finally felt full.

She leaned back in her chair, patting her belly, suddenly asking Egbert, "Why didn't we eat at that other joint? Nice vibe there."

Egbert paused, casually responding, "We'll go next time."

Eileen scoffed, "And when exactly is next time? You're leaving tomorrow."

Egbert looked at her, "You don't want me to leave?"

Eileen blurted out, "Of course I don't want you to leave! You're the best damn chef!"

Egbert didn’t respond.

Eileen thought for a moment, then corrected herself, "Hot chef?"

Egbert was speechless.

Still mulling over, Eileen continued, "Chef..."


Egbert cut her off, sighed, stood up and said, "Let's get out of here."

Seeing that Egbert was upset by her comments, Eileen quickly got up and left with him.

While they were in the car, Egbert's phone rang again.

It was Gilbert Turner.

In the cramped car, the ringtone was a bit loud.

Gilbert's voice was high, and he immediately asked, "Egbert, what happened? You said you'd be in Harborview City for just a day, to meet with Eileen and visit an elder. Why the sudden change of plans?”

Change of plans?

Eileen blinked, looking at Egbert.

Egbert put the phone to his ear, telling Gilbert, "Something came up."

Gilbert probed, "What?"

Egbert didn't answer.

After waiting a bit and not getting an answer, Gilbert sighed and asked, "So how long are you planning to delay? We've got interviews and endorsements lined up."

Egbert paused, then threw out a timeframe, "One week."

"One week?!" Gilbert exclaimed, "One week? No way, I can give you two days max..."

"I need one week." Egbert cut him off coldly. Ignoring Gilbert's protests, he hung up.

The car fell silent.

Eileen cautiously looked at Egbert, asking incredulously, "You're really going to stay here for a week?"

Egbert glanced at her, "Didn't you not want me to leave?"

Eileen shrugged, then asked, "… So, are you going to treat me to meals every day?"

Egbert glared at her, "No way!"

Eileen looked disappointed and didn't say anything more.

But she wasn't actually mad. Egbert had to change his plans last minute, he must've had something important to do, so it was normal for him to not have time to treat her to meals.

They arrived at the TV station.

After Eileen got off, she immediately went upstairs to continue working.

After a day's work, she returned to her hotel room in the evening, took a shower, sat on the bed, thought for a long time, still feeling uneasy.

She took out her phone and started browsing the local news.

In the following time, there were no shootings or homicides in the area.

Eileen frowned. She remembered that at this time in her past life, she hadn't met NightKing yet.

She was unsure why NightKing would come to Crestonia at this time.

She continued browsing the news on her phone for a while, and when it started to lag, Eileen immediately stopped.

She skillfully rebooted her phone and cleared the memory. Her phone finally returned to normal.

Eileen sighed, saying, "Anyway, there's no chance we'll cross paths in this lifetime. I should stop sticking my nose in things."

Having seemingly convinced herself, she plugged in her phone to charge and went to sleep.

The next day, Eileen got up on time.


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