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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 168

Eileen crossed paths with NightKing the day after her 20th birthday in her previous life.

On that day, she had just collected the inheritance she was entitled to and left the lawyer's office.

Little did she know, she was about to get kidnapped.

Eileen had been secretly training in boxing for the military academy exams.

Yet, when faced with gun-toting kidnappers, her boxing skills were of no use.

She was dumped in a dimly lit, abandoned factory in the suburbs at night.

After attempting to fight back, she was severely beaten and tossed into a sewer infested with dead rats.

In her dazed state, she heard some kidnappers arguing outside.

Suddenly, a gunshot.

Eileen was shocked.

Then, a few more gunshots.

Eileen didn’t understand what was happening, but she heard slow footsteps approaching her.

Soon, someone yanked her hair and said, "There's one more here, still alive."

Under the dim, worn-out bulb overhead, the light was blinding.

With her injured eyes barely open, she struggled to see the people in front of her.

She had no clue who they were, why they were here, or what had happened to the kidnappers outside.

Suddenly, she heard a cold male voice.

The man's voice was like a python licking a person's throat, instilling a suffocating fear, "Kill her and bury her with the others."

Eileen’s pupils constricted instantly.

She didn’t want to die!

She had to fight back!

She grabbed a brick and hurled it at the man holding her hair.

Caught off guard, the man was hit in the shin.

Enraged, the man savagely kicked her in the head.

Eileen was sent rolling back, hitting her head on a steel plate.

She spat out blood, struggled to her feet, and with her last ounce of strength, fought back fiercely.

She sustained serious injuries in the fight. In the end, she had four broken ribs, her head was covered in blood, and her hands and feet were dislocated.

As for that man, she bit off his ear.

The man cruelly stepped on her head, pointing a gun at her forehead, ready to pull the trigger at any moment.

With no energy left, Eileen lay on the ground, realizing she might be on the verge of death.

But then, the man with the cold voice spoke up again, "Wait."

After a while, the foot on her head was lifted.

Her hair was yanked again. A man whose features she couldn't make out studied her face and suddenly chuckled, "Interesting."


What was interesting about this!

Finishing her flashback, Eileen realized that she was facing NightKing and launched an attack on his lower abdomen.

When NightKing was twenty, he had a part of his internal organs removed due to a surgery following an injury.

His lower abdomen has always been his weak spot. If you want to hit him, aim there.

Eileen’s attacks were fierce and ruthless, aiming directly at NightKing's weakness.

After a few rounds, Eileen could tell NightKing was struggling.

Eileen pressed her advantage. She knew NightKing's combat habits well, being his disciple after all.

Her attacks became more intense, eventually forcing NightKing to retreat.

Eileen wasn’t about to let him get away and chased after him.

When she got to the platform behind the hospital building, she lunged forward, stepped on his shoulder, flipped over and landed in front of him.

The stern man in the gray coat came to a halt.

The cool night breeze felt somewhat piercing.

He squinted at the footprint on his shoulder.

Gently brushing off the footprint with the back of his hand, he fixated his gaze on the girl in front of him.

Standing her ground, Eileen told NightKing loudly, "If you have a problem with me, come at me directly. Don't involve others!"

NightKing responded coldly, "I don't know who you are."

Eileen snorted, "You don’t know me, then why did you send someone to assassinate me last time!"

A hint of confusion flashed in NightKing's eyes, causing a crease in his brow.

Eileen paused, observing NightKing's expression.

She knew NightKing well and could easily read his facial expressions.


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