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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 174

Nine folks split into two groups.

The squad leader took off with seven of them.

Eileen geared up, gave her weapon a check.

Then she grabbed Egbert by the collar, hoisted him up, and said, "Let's roll."

Egbert, hands tied behind his back, didn't put up a fight, just followed her lead.

The mountain road at night was a bit tricky, so they also had to watch out for the red side's patrolmen.

At nine o'clock, Eileen finally managed to sneak behind the Reds' high ground.

The guard there was tighter than a drum.

Elaine Lopez and Lucas were on patrol.

Eileen turned to Egbert, asked, "Is Elaine the squad leader?"

Egbert replied coolly, "No comment."

Eileen pushed Egbert against a big tree, got in close and said, "You're my prisoner! You best play ball."

Egbert chuckled, his gaze fell on the girl's beautiful eyes, whispered, "Getting info from a captive takes finesse, didn't they teach you that?"

Of course, Eileen had been taught.

But she wouldn't resort to violence on Egbert.

After all, this was just a military exercise, not a real battlefield.

She let him go.

Then Egbert said, "Or, you could try to seduce me, I'd fall for that in a heartbeat."

Eileen shot him a dirty look, then continued to survey the patrol area.

After a while, Egbert suddenly said, "Captain, ever consider trying to recruit me?"

Eileen was taken aback, turned to him, "Recruit you?"

Looking into Egbert’s gentle eyes, Eileen couldn't help but burst out laughing, "What kind of trick are you cooking up?"

Egbert feigned innocence, "What trick could I have? I'm all yours now."

Eileen found his words a little odd.

So she asked, "You trying to run? You trying to set a trap?"

Egbert shook his head, started selling himself, "I'd be easily persuaded, just show me a little benefit, I'd work loyally for you."

"Enough." Eileen didn't trust Egbert one bit.

Given that he managed to wipe out forty-one of their blue side soldiers in just two hours, the guy was sly as a fox.

He was absolutely not to be trusted.

Eileen firmly said, "I'm not falling for your tricks! Save your breath!"

Just then, a shift change for the patrol.

Elaine and Lucas were relieved.

When Eileen saw that Jaqueline took over, she couldn't believe her luck!

But when she saw who else was taking over, she was gobsmacked.

"Burton Lopez is on the red side?" Eileen glared at Egbert, couldn't believe her eyes.

She had no idea Burton was part of this military exercise.

Egbert raised an eyebrow, "Convinced yet, or..."

Before he could finish, Eileen covered his mouth.

Under Egbert's amused gaze, she sternly warned him, "Say another word, and you're going silent!"

Egbert finally shut up.

After a while, Eileen felt the time was right.

She quietly moved forward.

Jaqueline was struggling with her heavy rifle.

She used the gun as a crutch, couldn't even lift it.

Burton noticed, said a bit annoyed, "A soldier's life is his gun."

Jaqueline was taken aback, looked up at the handsome young man, said in a whining voice, "I really can't carry it. Look at my hands, they're red. It really hurts."

She even walked a couple steps forward, so Burton could see her hands.

Burton didn't like her too much, took a step back.

Jaqueline moved a step closer, gave a soft laugh, "Are you afraid of me? Are you shy...your clothes are smoking..."

Burton froze.

He looked back in confusion, realized his laser sensor was triggered.

The smoke meant he was "out."

But how did that happen?

At that moment, Eileen stepped out from behind Burton.

Jaqueline saw Eileen, was about to scream.

Eileen shot her down.

Now Jaqueline was out too.

Jaqueline was speechless.

Burton saw Eileen, was dumbfounded.

Burton asked, "Auntie, what are you doing here..."

Eileen slapped Burton on the head, scolded him, "You're dead, shut up!"

Burton sulked, hugged his gun, squatted on the ground.

Eileen turned to Jaqueline, "You squat too."

Jaqueline knew the drill, out meant you squat, become a corpse.

She was unwilling, but she had no choice but to squat down.

Then Eileen said to the back, "Come out."

Burton and Jaqueline thought it was her soldier of the blue army.

But when they saw who it was, they were stunned.

"Mr. Reed..."

Egbert looked at Burton, said leisurely, "You're dead, shut up."


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