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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 178

When the three chief instructors rushed outside, they spotted the first and second platoons brawling from a distance.

The chief instructor of the first platoon quickly asked the soldier who reported the situation, "What the heck happened?"

The soldier explained the situation in detail.

Turned out, Eileen from the second platoon suddenly became unusually agitated and attacked an old soldier from the first platoon.

She slapped him right in the face, completely disregarding his dignity.

The old soldier was taken aback. As a man, being slapped by a woman pisses him off, so he immediately grabbed Eileen by the collar.

However, Eileen gave him a swift judo throw.

The guy who got thrown on the ground was then stepped on by Eileen.

Of course, the soldiers of the first platoon didn't just sit by; they all rushed over to help their comrade.

The soldiers of the second platoon also rushed to help Eileen.

In the end, it turned into a full-blown brawl.

Hearing all this, the three chief instructors were all feeling headache.

Egbert frowned, looking at the scene.

There, Eileen was leading a group of people with fiery anger, like a gang boss, throwing two soldiers of the first platoon on the ground again.

Just throwing them down wasn't enough; she also stepped on their stomachs.

Eddie and Colin, like two bodyguards, also joined the attack by her side.

The chief instructor of the first platoon was now so angry, his face turned red!

He looked at Egbert and said, "Mr. Reed, you guys owe us an explanation!"

Egbert, with a stern face, walked towards them.

Eileen, in the middle of her exhilaration, grabbed a bruised old soldier, preparing to hit him in the eye.

Her arm was raised high, but suddenly she felt resistance and couldn't hit him.

Eileen was stunned, turned around and saw Egbert, who had somehow appeared behind her, holding her arm with a serious face.

Seeing Egbert, Eileen lost her fighting spirit, like a mouse seeing a cat.

She was about to explain when the beaten old soldier took the opportunity to sneak attack Eileen.

Eileen was caught off guard. She sensed his sneak attack and instinctively turned her head to dodge.

Just then, Egbert made a slight move and grabbed the old soldier's shoulder.

The old soldier screamed in pain as his arm was dislocated instantly.

Eileen was a bit surprised.

"Mr. Reed!" Over there, the chief instructor of the first platoon was furious, and stormed over!

Egbert let go of the old soldier's shoulder, pulled Eileen behind him for protection, and calmly said, "He started it."

The chief instructor of the first platoon was furious!

He thought, “Do you think I'm blind!? It was clearly you guys who started it!”

The chief instructor of the first platoon was extremely dissatisfied.

Seeing the people around still making a ruckus, he yelled, "Everyone, stop!"

As a leader, he still had some authority.

The two fighting parties, in the midst of a fierce fight, immediately stopped.

Order was quickly restored on the scene.

People from the first platoon stood behind the chief instructor of the first platoon, while people from the second platoon stood behind Egbert.

At that time, the comments were very lively.

-[Don't blame Eileen, it's really not her fault this time.]

-[Yes, Eileen might not be likable, she speaks harshly, loves to cause trouble, is easily troublesome, sneaky, extreme, and deep-hearted, but this incident is actually not her fault.]

-[The friend above, aren't you going too far in your words? You've said everything I wanted to say, what else can I say?]

The scene was briefly quiet.

But the atmosphere was still full of conflict between the two sides.

At this moment, a red-eyed female soldier from the second platoon came out, sobbing and saying, "Instructors, this incident happened because of me, I'm willing to take the punishment!"


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