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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 186

Four days later, at the 8th Air Force Battalion.

Eileen just wrapped up a grueling training session and was planning to hit the mess hall with her buddies.

Suddenly, one of the crew members stopped her and said, "Ms. Lopez, can you come over here for a sec?"

Eileen walked over, looking puzzled.

Away from the camera, the crew member told her, "There's a procurement task that's been assigned to you."

Eileen froze, "Procurement?"

He explained, "It's military procurement. You'll accompany the buyer this afternoon and return by tomorrow evening."

Eileen furrowed her brows, "Isn't this a job for the Logistics Department? Why do I need to go? Plus, doesn't procurement mean leaving the camp? We're not supposed to leave, right?"

The crew member shrugged, "I don't really know the details. It's the director's decision. If you've got issues, you should take it up with him."

Eileen glanced around, asking, "Where's the director?"

The crew member pointed, "In the lounge, about twenty minutes from here."

Twenty minutes? Wouldn't that mess up her dinner time?

Eileen frowned, then finally said, "Whatever, I'll go with the flow, I'll follow orders."

The crew member breathed a sigh of relief.

Eileen didn't say anything else and headed straight for the mess hall.

After Eileen left, the director came out from a corner, looking helpless.

The crew member looked puzzled, "Mister, if you didn't want Ms. Lopez to leave, why didn't you just refuse the higher-ups?"

The director snapped, "If I could have refused, I would have already done so."

Silent Wing had scored some points!

The higher-ups were bending over backward to meet his requests.

When Silent Wing suggested that Eileen should get a day and a half off, the leaders immediately issued an order to arrange it.

The director had no choice but to console himself. Giving her some time off was a good thing. Seeing less of Eileen for a couple of days would save his hair from falling out.

The news that Eileen was going on a procurement trip with the buyer made the other seven guests green with envy.

They were all undergoing rigorous training daily. The chance to leave the camp for a day felt like Christmas.

That afternoon, Eileen left in the buyer's car.

But something felt off - there was no camera.

Two hours later, they arrived downtown.

The car pulled up in a secluded alley.

The buyer handed Eileen a bag, "We'll meet back here at eight tomorrow night. I'll come pick you up. There's a mask and some clothes in the bag. You can change in the public restroom over there."

Eileen held the bag, completely baffled, "What?"

The buyer urged her, "Hurry up and get out, we can't park here for too long."

Eileen was left in the dark and hustled out of the car.

She stood there, watching the procurement car drive away, leaving her stranded.

Eileen was stunned.

She stood there for a while, then it hit her. Her military uniform was too conspicuous, so she rushed into the public restroom to change.

Eileen, now in new clothes and wearing a mask, stood at the restroom entrance. She didn't recognize anyone around and felt lost.

Suddenly, a low-profile black car pulled up in front of her.

Eileen curiously looked at the car.

The driver's window rolled down, revealing a familiar man's face.

It was Egbert.

Five minutes later, Eileen was in the passenger seat.

She would occasionally sneak glances at Egbert Reed, but whenever she saw him looking, she would quickly look away, pretending she wasn't staring.

The car moved at a steady pace.

After a while, Eileen finally asked, "Where are we going?"

Egbert glanced at her, a warm smile in his eyes, "It's three in the afternoon. Do you fancy some afternoon tea?"

Eileen, of course, was all in!

But she cautiously asked, "How did you know I would be here?"

Egbert merely smiled and didn't answer.

Eileen stared at him seriously, finding the situation odd.

Egbert asked again, "Do you want to eat or not?"

Eileen could only say, "I do!"

Egbert chuckled, "What would you like?"

Eileen said, "Barbecue! Fish! And lobster and chicken rolls!"

Afternoon tea with these?

Egbert sighed, then said, "Alright, we'll have barbecue now, seafood for dinner, and chicken rolls for supper, okay?"

Eileen excitedly agreed, "Great!"

Half an hour later, they arrived at an upscale barbecue restaurant.

The food quickly arrived at their private room, and Eileen started wolfing down as soon as she started.


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