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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 197

Because of the sudden rain, the training in the afternoon was temporarily changed. By the time Eileen, holding Egbert's jacket, arrived at the indoor training hall, she found that the others had arrived first. The instructor hadn't arrived yet. Eddie saw Eileen and waved to her to come and sit.

Eileen walked over. Just as she sat down, Colin pointed and said, "Take a look over there."

Following Colin's finger, Eileen saw Edna and two others chatting up the other soldiers in the training hall.

They were full of giggles and physical horseplay, looking like they were having a grand old time.

Eddie heaved a sigh and said, "They really don't know how to tone it down."

Colin said, "They've been cooped up for too long. They're used to being adored. After suffering at the previous two camps, they're finally here, getting admired again. How can they not be happy?"

Then Colin turned to Eileen and asked, "Would you like to join?"

Eileen gave Colin a glare and said, "I think I'll pass."

Eddie, however, suddenly noticed something. Looking at the jacket in Eileen's hand, he suddenly asked, "Whose jacket is that?"

Eileen's eyes went wide and she quickly hid the jacket behind her back, lying, "It's mine."

Eddie frowned. "Don't try to pull a fast one on me. If the jacket in your hands is yours, what are you wearing?"

Eileen had no response.

Eddie squinted his eyes, suddenly stood up.

He went behind Eileen, snatched the jacket from her and exclaimed, "Wow, this is a man's jacket! Tell me, whose jacket is this?"

Eileen was speechless. She stood up and said, "Give it back."

Eddie ran off, laughing, "Not until you tell me. If you don't tell, I won't return!"

Eileen coldly approached him.

Five minutes later, Eddie, clutching at his aching ribs, obediently handed the jacket back to Eileen.

Eileen took the jacket back, huffed, and turned to leave.

Just then, a group of people walked into the training hall from outside.

Leading the group were a few familiar instructors, with a few leaders trailing behind them.

Eileen immediately spotted Egbert among the crowd.

While everyone else was dressed in their military jackets, Egbert was the only one in his short-sleeved combat uniform.

They were all soaked through, probably from the heavy rain. Everyone else looked miserable, only Egbert still looked as dashing as ever.

Eileen, looking at Egbert, unconsciously walked towards him.

Just two steps in, Colin grabbed her arm and whispered in her ear, "We're about to assemble."

Eileen was dragged away by Colin to line up.

She didn't see that the stoic and stern man turned his head just as she turned away, his deep gaze landing on the spot where Colin had grabbed her arm.

-[Egbert is back! I'm so excited!]

-[The people who came with the leaders for inspection shouldn't stay long, right? ]

-[Egbert is amazing, he's reached the management level in no time! ]

-[Did you guys see what happened outside earlier? Egbert put his jacket over Eileen's head to shield her from the rain, how thoughtful! ]

-[Haha, I saw! The jacket suddenly fell off, nearly took Eileen out, it's hilarious! ]

-[Is that how you male fans see it? Oh my god, I think he's so considerate!]

-[He truly is considerate. Male fans and female fans see things differently. ]

-[As the beauty that I am, I give my male fans a smile and a wave: male fans, come here, I'll show you something mysterious. ]

-[Male fans: What are you talking about? ]

-[Female fans: Even though I know you're asking them to look at Egbert's thoughtful act, the way you put it is quite misleading... ]

The leaders were there on inspection, with instructors accompanying them, explaining each training routine to them.


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