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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 207

Five in the afternoon, all the guests gathered in the cafeteria.

While they were eating, they were sharing the information they had collected.

The last one to share was Hedy.

She hung her head low, her bangs covering part of her eyes, and muttered, "I heard that the girl with the ponytail was pregnant when she died."

"Pregnant?" Phyllis asked in surprise.

Then she gritted her teeth and cursed, "That heartless boy! His girlfriend commits suicide by jumping off the building while carrying his child, and he dares to sneak out of school to avoid responsibility!"

Jarvis pondered for a moment, looking at Hedy and asking, "Any other information?"

Hedy lowered her head even more and shook her head, "No..."

Jarvis then turned to Eileen and said, "Coincidentally, I just went to the security room. The guard told me that the last girl who committed suicide by jumping off the building three months ago was also pregnant when she died."

Hearing this news, everyone was stunned.

At this moment, the audience's reaction was very intense.

-[Hedy is a ghost, why isn't anyone noticing?!]

-[Hedy's eyes have changed color, right? That's why she doesn't dare to lift her head!]

-[I'm so scared, I don't know what this plot means, wake up guys, the ghost is right next to you!]

-[How did Hedy become a ghost?]

-[When she went to the bathroom, a female ghost followed her in, then there was a scream from inside, after a while when the door opened, Hedy came out with a pale face and white pupils, just like those previous ghosts!]

-[But she looks pretty normal now.]

-[I don't know. She walked into the staircase alone, the camera couldn't capture what's inside the staircase, by the time she walked from the second floor to the rooftop on the sixth floor, she already looked like a normal person!]

The six people on the scene naturally couldn't feel the audience's anxiety.

When they came out of the cafeteria, the sky outside was completely dark.

Phyllis asked with a puzzled face, "Where should we go now?"

Eileen looked at a dilapidated building not far away and said seriously, "It's already night, as students, we should naturally return to the dormitory."

Phyllis immediately clung to Eileen, grabbing her arm tightly, and said, "No way, that dormitory building looks creepy. When I passed by this afternoon, I saw that the main gate was destroyed by a fierce ghost, I don't want to live there!"

Eileen was speechless, it wasn't exactly a fierce ghost...

Jarvis then said, "This school has a curfew, after nine in the evening, all students must stay in the dormitory building."

Phyllis was almost crying.

Simon comforted her, "It’s okay, we can all stay in one room, so we can support each other. It's just one night, it should be fine."

Simon's words made sense, tonight, the six of them cannot separate.

It's getting late, no matter how reluctant Phyllis is, everyone still headed towards the dormitory building.

But when they reached the dormitory building, Jarvis and Simon were stopped.

The middle-aged Resident Advisor lady was holding a broom, blocking the entrance, her face was filled with anger as she yelled, "Get out, get out! This is a girls' dormitory! What are you two boys doing here! Leave now! Stay away from here!"

Normally, it's true that boys can't enter the girls' dormitory, but this’s a horror variety show, right?

Jarvis and Simon stood at the entrance, looking innocent.

The situation was suddenly at a stalemate.

Phyllis was about to break down, she grabbed her hair and said, "So you're saying, tonight, only the four of us, weak females, are staying together?"


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