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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 213

The three of them in the room didn't dare to move!

Their eyes were practically glued to the door.

After a few seconds, Jarvis and Simon exchanged glances. As if by some unspoken agreement, they took a half-step forward, positioning themselves in front of Eileen.

Eileen was so scared her lips were trembling. She forced out, "I...I'm not scared!"

Jarvis shot her a side glance, "Yeah, you're not scared, but we are."

Eileen was taken aback.

Simon added, "We're scared you'll end up punching the staff again!"

Eileen was speechless.

Pouting, Eileen stood in the back, feeling utterly wronged.

She didn't mean to hit anyone, it was just that those staff members were the ones who came after her first!

And it was her teacher who taught her that the best defense is a good offense!

She was only doing what her teacher taught her!

The footsteps outside were getting closer.

It seemed like they were heading straight for the RA's office.

Jarvis quickly grabbed Simon and Eileen and shoved them behind the curtains in the corner of the room.

Then he positioned himself outside, whispering to the two of them, "Keep quiet."

Both Eileen and Simon eagerly nodded in agreement!

Not long after, a man entered the RA's office.

Then, there was the sound of rummaging.

Eileen sneakily peered through the gap in the curtains.

The outside was pitch black, all she could make out was a shadow moving about.

From that shadow, Eileen roughly estimated the person's height and build.

The person was probably around 1.75 meters tall, with a medium build.

Eileen sized him up, thinking she could probably take him down with one punch.

So, she clenched her fist, ready to punch the guy in the nose if he came any closer!

The man was now opening drawers, the rummaging noises getting louder.

After a while, suddenly, a female voice rang out, "Who's there!"

It was the Resident Advisor Darcey Jackson's voice!

Darcey was back!

Eileen immediately turned to look at Simon and Jarvis.

They both nodded at her.

They all knew, it was time for the drama to unfold.

As expected, voices soon echoed from outside.

"It's...it's you...Principal, what are you doing here?" Darcey sounded panicked but was trying to keep her cool.

This was the first piece of information - the man outside was the Principal - Decker.

Looks like their guess was spot on, Decker really was a key figure!

Eileen peeked out from the gap and saw two blurry shadows facing off.

Darcey was retreating while the Principal was advancing...

"Mrs. Jackson, I came here to see you, I want to talk."

Darcey sounded alarmed, "What 'Mrs. Jackson'? Principal, you...you must be mistaken, that's not my last name."


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