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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 222

When Eileen stepped out of the kitchen again, she found Egbert standing and putting on his coat with one hand.

Eileen casually walked over to help him put on his coat.

Egbert gave her a calm look, but said nothing.

Once he was fully dressed, Eileen asked in a deliberately casual tone, "Hey, mister, feeling any better now? Headache gone? Not feeling like puking anymore?"

Egbert didn't answer. He was busy buttoning up his coat. After he finished, he finally spoke up, "Get ready, come with me."

Eileen was stunned. She asked, puzzled, "Where to?"

Egbert replied, "My place."

Eileen burst out laughing, "What are you talking about?"

Just then, Eileen's phone rang.

She glanced at it, the caller ID read "Mr. Albert Reed".

Eileen blinked, answered the call, "Hey, Mr. Reed..."

On the other end of the line, Albert spoke in a serious and worried tone, "Eileen, Egbert told me you were targeted by some organization and got kidnapped! Is this true? Why didn't you tell me earlier! You need to head home with Egbert right now, it's the safest place. How am I supposed to face your dad if something happens to you!"

Eileen was at a loss for words, completely taken aback.

She looked at Egbert, his face as calm as ever.

She never imagined that Egbert would tattle on her to Albert!

Eileen was flustered, she quickly tried to explain, "Mr. Reed, I'm fine..."

"Listen to me, come home now!"

Eileen struggled to respond, "But I have work..."

"Work can wait. Let Egbert take you! Or our drivers and bodyguards can escort you! Just get here now!"

With that, Albert hung up the phone, apparently not interested in hearing any excuses.

Looking at her disconnected phone, Eileen felt dumbstruck.

She never expected Egbert to treat her this way!

Eileen felt cornered. She stared at Egbert for a moment, then forced a smile and extended her hand, "Mr. Egbert, how about we bury the hatchet? Shake hands, still friends, deal?"

Egbert looked at her with a smile, calmly said, "Pack your things."

Eileen exclaimed, "Egbert! Shouldn't we make peace?"

Egbert didn't say anything else, he just sat down leisurely, watching her, waiting for her to pack and leave with him.

She had helped Egbert, let him rest in her own bed, and this is how he repays her!

Eileen took a deep breath, knowing Egbert was a tough nut to crack. She sat down, determined to continue persuading him, "How about this, I won't kick you out. You can stay the night here. You take the bed, I'll take the couch, deal?"

The man stared at her, as immovable as a mountain.

Eileen hurriedly said, "If you don't say anything, I'll assume you agree. Call your dad and tell him we're not coming home tonight!"

With that, she dialed Albert's number and handed the phone to Egbert.

Egbert took the phone, but immediately hung up.

"Hey, you..."

"Eileen." Egbert looked at her and said solemnly, "I'm not joking. You're in danger out there."

Eileen frowned, "What danger..."

"NightKing has escaped." Egbert explained the situation in detail, "He'll be out for revenge."

Eileen grabbed her head in panic. She hesitated for a moment, then finally confessed, "Actually... I wasn't kidnapped by NightKing... I lied to you..."

Egbert calmly replied, "I know."

Eileen was taken aback, "You knew?"

The man responded indifferently, "The military are monitoring NightKing's activities. I know exactly what he's done and what he hasn't."

Eileen was surprised, "Then why..."

"But you shot him." Egbert said seriously, "How can you be sure he won't seek revenge for that?"

Revenge on her? Eileen thought back to the bullet she had shot into her teacher's wrist.

If she had to admit it, her teacher was indeed a ruthless and vengeful person.

Eileen suddenly remembered something from her past.

Back then, after NightKing had taught her for two years, he had wanted her to go with him.

Of course she refused. At that time, she hadn't been hurt by Sarah Roach yet, and still harbored feelings for her. And then there was Hubery, whom she was foolishly infatuated with.

So naturally, she didn't want to go, but NightKing wouldn't take no for an answer.

The Bloodbane Shadowsociety was a ruthless organization.

And the leader of the Bloodbane Shadowsociety was far from kind and forgiving.


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