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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 241

The latest financial news was blaring on the television in the living room.

Eileen, sitting cross-legged on the couch, hugging a cushion, eating an apple as her dessert. She occupied the very spot that Egbert usually claimed for his reading sessions.

Of course, she knew that Egbert's reading was merely a pretense, a guise to keep an eye on her. She never called him out on it.

The knocking and ringing from the front door had ceased.

Eileen took another bite of her apple, her attention fixed on the news, occasionally jotting down the latest figures on her phone.

After a while, the nanny brought in some sliced kiwi.

With a quick "thank you", Eileen took the plate from the nanny.

The nanny hesitated for a while before she finally said, "Ms. Lopez, it seems it's going to get chilly tonight."

Eileen popped a piece of kiwi in her mouth, and replied, "He's got money, and there are plenty of hotels nearby."

"But…" The nanny began.

Eileen waved her off, "He's craftier than a fox. Don't worry about him. He never loses out. I've been on the losing end more times than I can count. But not this time! He needs to learn his lesson!"

Finally, the nanny sighed and asked, "Do you want a late-night snack?"

"Oh yes, please! I'll be up late going through some documents, I'll need the fuel!" Eileen responded promptly.

With a smile, the nanny promised to prepare something and headed for the kitchen.

Two hours later, the nanny went to rest, leaving some nutritious soup and chicken wraps in the kitchen for Eileen to eat whenever she felt hungry.

Now, the only sounds in the living room were the murmurs of the financial news and the tapping of Eileen's fingers on her keyboard.

After a while, Eileen stretched lazily, her fingers stilling on the keyboard. Glancing at the clock above the television, she noted it was already 11 PM.

She looked out of the nearby floor-to-ceiling window, contemplating for a moment before she stood up and peeked outside through the curtains.

From her vantage point, she could see a bit of the view outside the front door. But she didn't spot Egbert, and neither was his car in sight.

Did he really leave?

With a grimace, Eileen sat back down on the carpet and continued with her work.

Eileen continued to work until 2 AM. Exhaustion coupled with hunger finally made her get up and head to the kitchen.

The chicken wraps and nutritious soup were in the oven. But when she opened the oven, she found nothing. Confused, she checked again.

Still nothing.

Frowning, Eileen checked the oven again, but it was empty.

Scratching her head, she muttered, "Did I forget that I already ate?"

"Are you looking for something?" A familiar male voice asked from behind her.

Startled, Eileen turned around to see Egbert, dressed in a white robe, holding an empty bowl, standing in the doorway.

Eileen gaped at him, "How did you get in?!"

He glanced at her as he walked past, placed the empty bowl in the sink, washed his hands, and while drying them with a towel, he casually said, "I parked the car outside the garage, climbed on top of it, scaled the garage wall, climbed up to the third-floor window, and slipped in."

Eileen was stunned, she had forgotten that he was a former soldier, capable of such feats.

Egbert then opened the refrigerator, took out some ingredients, and asked, "Hungry?"

Eileen said nothing, just stared at him.


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