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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 25

Eileen said with a stone face, "Zip it, I'm already regretting this. I've showered three times this morning, yet I still feel filthy. What more do you want from me?"

Phyllis turned around, clinging onto Bblythe, and started to sob.

Although Bblythe felt helpless, she was also somewhat relieved. Looking at Phyllis now, it seemed like she had forgotten about last night's incident. But Bblythe knew that wasn't the case. Phyllis was just bearing it all alone.

Earlier, while packing their bags, Phyllis had filled her in.

PrismPulse Entertainment had released a statement, issued proof of Kenley's injuries, and hired a bunch of well-known bloggers.

According to the statement, PrismPulse Entertainment claimed that Kenley did not assault Phyllis. Instead, Phyllis was stuck in love and thus framed Kenley.

And Eileen and Egbert were just pawns being used by Phyllis to attack Kenley.

After the statement was released, many netizens didn't believe it, but what could they do? After all, Phyllis didn't call the police last night.

PrismPulse Entertainment even twisted the facts, fabricating negative news about Phyllis such as she had an abortion in high school, was obsessed with a guy, and when he rejected her, she set his house on fire, forcing him to drop out of school and relocate to avoid her. They painted Phyllis as a crazy woman.

Now the internet was blowing up. Many people saw Phyllis' miserable state last night and were angrily accusing Kenley of being heartless. But at the same time, a lot of people were misled into believing that this was all drama created by Phyllis herself.

There were numerous so-called "high school classmates" and "primary school classmates" of Phyllis online, who without any evidence, started to smear her.

In less than seven hours, there were already tons of comments online sympathizing with Kenley for being "harassed by a crazy woman".

At first, it was just Kenley's fans defending him, but gradually, people who didn't care about this matter also joined in. Their viewpoint was, "If only one person says Phyllis is a bad person, I wouldn't believe it. But when so many people say it, I really need to reconsider."

Those who were not following the matter were being misled.

This morning, PrismPulse Entertainment called Phyllis to threaten her. If she continued to criticize Kenley, her future would be ruined.

Phyllis firmly responded to PrismPulse Entertainment, saying she would rather leave the entertainment industry than do this.

Because of this, she didn't quit the show recording today. As she said, she had to finish recording. After this episode was over, she completely broke up with PrismPulse Entertainment and Kenley. She was not sure if she could win this battle, but by then, as someone who still had a ten-year contract with the company, she was destined to fade into obscurity in the entertainment industry.

Phyllis felt very unwilling and regretful. She should have listened to Eileen last night and called the police. Now it was too late, just like Eileen said, the best time to manage a PR crisis was within an hour of the incident.

They were already seven hours behind PrismPulse Entertainment, which was enough to ruin Phyllis' future in showbiz.

Phyllis cried heartbreakingly, her pretend crying had turned into real sobbing.

Bblythe felt terrible. "Let's find a place to sit down. We can't just stand in front of the hotel."

They all walked on silently. Egbert was the last one. One hand in his coat pocket, the other pushing a suitcase, his expression had been cold since morning.

Eileen turned her head to sneak a peek at Egbert. This was the sixth time she had looked at him today, but he still ignored her. So she stopped and waited for him to come over.

When he walked past her, Eileen immediately moved closer to him. His face was still expressionless, his eyes full of indifference.


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