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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 258

As soon as Eileen spoke those words, the room fell into a sudden silence.

Eileen snapped back to reality, realizing her words might not have come across as she intended.

“No, no,” she tried to remedy. “That's not what I meant. I don't hit people, and I don't yell at people…”

Before she could finish, a boisterous laugh cut through the room. “Hahaha!”

Startled, Eileen turned to see Josephine laughing heartily. As she laughed, she slapped her thigh and said, “Hahaha, I always knew that little rascal Egbert could be a little useful! Hahaha!”

After her laughter subsided, Josephine playfully nudged Rosalind, causing her to nearly lose her balance.

Sonia and Flossie watched the scene with a touch of helplessness. These two matriarchs, who were old enough to be grandmothers, were still as playful as children.

A while later, Blake and Chad joined them. As men, they couldn't contribute much to the women's conversation, so they just sat and listened.

Another moment passed before Phyllis cheerfully announced, “Eileen, Josiah and I are heading out.”

Eileen was taken aback. She and Egbert had invited Phyllis and Josiah to stay the night, considering they had traveled from afar to record the show. It was only right to offer them a place to stay after dinner. But now, with all the unexpected guests, they chose to leave!

Eileen frowned, rising to her feet. “I'll talk to the production team. I'm sure we can rent a nearby bed and breakfast.”

Phyllis waved her off, “That's alright. It's not too late, we'll be fine heading back.”

Eileen wasn't convinced, so she called out for Egbert.

Sonia spoke up, “You guys can stay and hang out. We'll be leaving soon.”

Sonia turned to her mother-in-law and added, “Right, mom?”

Rosalind said nothing, causing Sonia to sigh.

Flossie patted Sonia's hand, whispering, “Let it go.”

Sonia glanced at silent Josephine, and Flossie, then at Blake and Chad. But the two men avoided eye contact with her.

Sonia was speechless. What were these people thinking? They'd agreed not to disturb Eileen and to leave after dinner. Why were they insisting on staying the night?

At that moment, Egbert came out of the kitchen, drying his hands. “What's going on?”

Eileen explained, “Phyllis and Josiah are leaving.”

Egbert was puzzled. He glanced at the people on the sofa, then said coldly, “They should be the ones to leave.”

His words silenced the room. The Lopez family, knowing they were in the wrong, fell silent. Even Josephine didn't dare to argue with her son.

Eileen sighed, “I'll talk to the director.”

She took her phone and stepped out onto the balcony to make the call.

When she returned, Eileen announced, “The production team has rented the villa in D2. Phyllis, Josiah, and Mr. Dave will stay here tonight. Everyone else will stay at the villa. It should be spacious enough.”

The Lopez family didn't dare to argue, pretending to accept the arrangement. But Simon wasn't willing to leave!

“I was invited! Why can Mr. Dave stay and I can't?” He protested.

Eileen looked at him coldly, “We only have three guest rooms.”

Simon quickly suggested, “I can share a room with Mr. Dave!”

He turned to Jarvis, pleading, “Mr. Dave, is that okay?”

Jarvis paused, looking at Simon's pitiful expression. After a moment, he chuckled, “I don't mind.”

Simon immediately looked at Eileen, who reluctantly agreed, “If Mr. Dave doesn't mind, then it's fine. But there's only one bed. Can you two share?”


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