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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 263

Eileen, meanwhile, hoisted her suitcase, patted Sylvia on the head with her free hand and said, "Let's hit the road."

Sylvia blinked in surprise, quickly got to her feet, and threw her arms around Eileen, blurting out, "Eileen, you're gonna do great, right? You rocked it on 'Survivor', you'll look out for me, won't you?"

Eileen gave her a sidelong glance, "Even if I wanted to leave you behind, I doubt I could shake you off."

"Oh my gosh, you're the best!" Sylvia exclaimed, planting a kiss right on Eileen’s cheek!

Egbert, having witnessed the scene, frowned and strode over, taking Eileen’s suitcase from her, "We need to find some shelter from the rain."

Sylvia was puzzled, "Rain?"

Eileen looked up at the sky, observing for a moment before saying, "Looks like it’s gonna rain soon. Let's check out the area up ahead."

Sylvia didn't quite grasp the situation, but seeing the other two moving, she hurried after them.

Hobson, noting their departure, followed suit.

On the beach, only Calvert and Aurora remained.

Calvert grabbed his luggage, suggesting to Aurora, "We should get going too."

Aurora was less than enthusiastic. She was feeling unwell, her complexion pale after two days of continuous travel.

"Can't we just go by ourselves?" she asked Calvert.

Calvert was taken aback, "By ourselves?"

"Yeah," Aurora pressed, "Isn't this supposed to be a honeymoon? A honeymoon is a two-person affair. We don't need to stick with the group."

Calvert furrowed his brow, "But this is a deserted island, going it alone might be risky..."

"Don't worry," Aurora pointed to the drone hovering above, "If there's a problem, we'll call the director. They're not going to leave us stranded here. This isn't a survival show, it's a romance. The crew is just trying to scare us. If we really get hungry or thirsty, they'll bring us something to eat and drink."

That seemed to make sense.

Calvert also didn’t believe that the production would really let them fend for themselves, finally acquiesced, "Okay, we'll do it your way."

Aurora's wan face brightened with a smile, "Let's head over there then," she said, pointing in the opposite direction from where Eileen and the others were heading.

Calvert pursed his lips but made no objection.

"Hey," Hobson called out after a while, noticing Calvert and Aurora had not followed and were heading the other way.

"What's up with them?" he asked in surprise.

Eileen glanced back and scoffed, "Forget about them. Let's find shelter; we've got about ten minutes before the rain hits."

Hobson looked bemused, "Rain?"

Sylvia chimed in, "How could it rain? This place is scorching!"

Ten minutes later.

The sudden thunderstorm, with its deluge, seemed intent on flooding all of Sapphire Solitude!

Sylvia and Hobson huddled under banana leaves, crouching beneath a low outcropping of rock.

Sylvia muttered in disbelief, "Why on earth is it raining?"

Eileen, taking shelter from the rain on the other side of the rocks, idly toyed with a pebble while perched atop Egbert's suitcase. Nonchalantly, she explained, "Thunderstorms are pretty common in a rainforest climate."

Sylvia asked, "But how did you guys predict it?"

Eileen pointed to the sky, "The fog was descending fast. You can roughly predict imminent rainfall by the speed of the fog's descent."


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