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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 284

Eileen stood in silence, thinking, “ What a cunning man!”

Cradling a tiny kitten in her arms, she shot a glance at Egbert, who was stationed across the room. With a huff, she declared, "If you don't want me to keep it, just say so. No big deal, I'll have the shelter take it back!"

With that, she breezed past Egbert and headed for the phone on the coffee table.

However, once she got through on the call, she abruptly hung up, turning back to Egbert with a look of indecision. Finally, with a hint of reluctant surrender, she said, "Can't you just make a different request? There has to be some room for negotiation, right?"

Egbert sighed deeply. Then he approached her, gently stroked her hair in a fatherly manner, and said with a touch of resignation, "Keep it."

Eileen blinked in surprise, her gaze locked onto him as she asked, "No other conditions? You're okay with this?!"

Egbert settled beside her on the couch. Watching her barely contain her excitement, he spoke softly, "What matters most is your happiness."

Stunned, Eileen gazed deep into Egbert's eyes before suddenly pecking his cheek. "I can live with that!" she exclaimed, then sprung up with the kitten in her arms and dashed upstairs.

Egbert, left sitting on the couch, watched her quick retreat. His eyes narrowed into a gentle smile, and he chuckled to himself.

Meanwhile, in the studio's control room.

"Bravo, bravo, bravo!" The director, supposed to be tuning equipment, had completely lost interest in his work. He sat riveted to the monitor, excitedly slapping his assistant's arm until it turned red.

The assistant, annoyed, shoved him away, grumbling, "Will you get a grip?"

But the director could hardly contain himself. "It's just so darn sweet!" he exclaimed.

"If by 'sweet' you mean 'infested,' then sure," the assistant retorted sarcastically. "Imagine, both of them itching with fleas tomorrow. The whole apartment overrun! And you're thrilled about this?"

The director, unfazed by the assistant's villainous rant, just sighed, "You're so full of sunshine, aren't you?"

"Wait and see!" the assistant shot back, though secretly he feared the director might be right.

Worried about a potential flea outbreak, the director instructed the staff first thing in the morning, "Mr. Reed and Ms. Lopez adopted a cat last night. Make sure you fumigate their place, and take that cat for a vet check. And sort out whether we're buying the cat off its previous owner."

The staff member, after listening, hesitated before saying, "You haven't been to the control room yet today, have you?"

Confused, the director replied, "Not yet."

"Well," the staffer explained, "the couple already dealt with the cat's previous owner this morning, and they've taken care of the fumigation. They even took the kitty to the vet. Oh, and Mr. Reed decided to get the cat neutered while they were at it, since they were there anyway."

Back in the apartment, Eileen observed the despondent little cat lying on the floor, a cone around its neck. "What's the matter? Upset about being neutered? It's for your own good, you know. From a medical standpoint, you'll be healthier and more even-tempered.”

Egbert joined her with two steaming cups of coffee, handing one to Eileen.

"It's just an animal," Egbert remarked as he reached out to her.

Eileen took his hand and they both settled on the couch. Sipping his coffee, Egbert watched the cat sprawled on the floor, a hint of amusement in his voice, "Post-surgery lethargy. He'll perk up once the anesthesia wears off."


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