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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 294

The morning after, Eileen and Egbert were up at the crack of dawn, ready to dive back into their wedding photo shoot.

Today was all about underwater shots.

Once they arrived at the rented indoor pool, the crew had already set up all the gear.

Dressed in their wedding attire, the couple stood by the water's edge.

"Into the pool, you two," directed the photographer from the other side.

With a resigned sigh, Eileen stepped into the cool water. Egbert followed suit.

They were in the shallow end, the water brushing just against their waists.

Eileen and Egbert stood opposite each other. The photographer, holding the camera, instructed, "The groom should embrace the bride, with the bride's legs wrapped around the groom's waist. Then, the bride should lower her head and kiss the groom."

Eileen was speechless.

At this moment, Egbert had already stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Eileen's waist.

Eileen glanced at him and eventually placed her hands on Egbert's shoulders, intending to use his support to lift herself up slightly.

But just then, Egbert suddenly lifted her legs and hoisted her onto his waist.

Eileen, noticing how effortlessly he did this, couldn't help but pout. Then, she wrapped her arms around Egbert's neck and, following the photographer's instructions, created the desired effect for the photo.

"Perfect, now kiss," said the photographer.

Their lips met, a precise execution of the request.

But before the photographer could finish his next instruction, Egbert and Eileen were already entangled in a passionate embrace.

The photographer was speechless.

They posed in seven different ways, changing outfits three times throughout the morning.

Come noon, it was time for a break and lunch.

Eileen grabbed two lunchboxes from the caterer, sitting across from Egbert.

Glancing up from his phone, Egbert announced, "Romantic Revelations is aired."

"Already?" Eileen was taken aback.

Handing her his phone, Egbert reached for one of the lunchboxes.

Slapping his hand away, Eileen guarded the food. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Let’s eat?" he asked, puzzled.

"These are mine! Both of them!" she growled.

Egbert rose to fetch his own meal.

By the time he returned, Eileen had already pulled up the first episode on the screen.

It opened with her at the mall, receiving a letter from a little boy.

The girl on screen, dressed simply, scoffed at the contents. "How pretentious," she dismissed.

Egbert was oblivious to her initial reaction that day.

He casually enabled the comments, and the screen was instantly swamped with a flood of text.

— [Ahh! Been waiting forever for this to air!]

— [Wow, Eileen in a dress? Is she challenging fashion norms?]

— [Is it illegal to pretend your gender on a dating show?]

Egbert now understood why Eileen avoided comments.


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