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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 312

After her moment in the spotlight, Eileen returned to her seat amidst the audience.

The award ceremony was winding down, drawing to a close after the grand announcement of the Best Actor.

As the crowd began to trickle out of the venue, Simon blinked and suddenly noticed that Eileen had vanished into thin air.

Turning to Lenwood, he inquired, "Hey Lenwood, have you seen Eileen?"

Lenwood scanned the area and replied, "Maybe she went backstage? She mentioned something about an interview after the show."

Just then, someone up front asked, "Where's Bblythe? Wasn't she going to join us for dinner? Has anyone seen her?"

Bblythe had been kidnapped.

Yes, in the chaos of the dispersing crowd, Eileen had seized her and followed Egbert to his dressing room, where she was now being held captive.

Eileen had commanded her to stay put on a chair in the corner, which Bblythe did, although she was clueless as to why. It didn't take long for her to find out.

The room suddenly erupted into a brawl!


"Bang! Bang!"


The sounds of a fierce fight echoed within the small confines of the room. Bblythe's head whipped back and forth, her eyes struggling to keep up with the two figures that were darting and leaping around the space in a violent tango.

Eileen, her gown knotted up to give her legs freedom, lashed out with a high-heeled kick straight at Egbert's stomach.

Egbert backpedaled, dodging her onslaught and steadying a clothes rack that nearly toppled over from Eileen's force.

The rack stood its ground, and Eileen, with fierce determination in her eyes, leaned forward, elbow aiming for Egbert's shoulder.

He caught her wrist, using her momentum to sidestep and then pirouetted behind her, raising his palm protectively over her head to shield her from the glass cabinets above during their scuffle.

They fought with such ferocity, and Eileen had even armed herself with a weapon – her trophy, which she was now using to attack Egbert.

Bblythe watched in increasing panic, her ears catching the sound of knocking at the door on more than one occasion.

There were Egbert's assistants and Eileen's agent, and even the four leading ladies of the evening had stopped by, likely hoping to meet Egbert, but no one answered the door.

Bblythe felt overwhelmed. How was she going to explain this when she finally emerged?

Twenty minutes of turmoil later, Bblythe looked spent. Then, with a grunt, she saw Eileen finally bring Egbert down.

Their position was somewhat...compromising.

On the couch, Egbert lay underneath, with Eileen straddled across his waist, her eyes narrowed, her hands clutching his collar.

Egbert, seemingly resigned, let out a groan and relaxed, his hands now on her waist. He looked up at her and sighed, "Are you done being mad now?"

"Not even close!" Eileen tossed him back onto the couch and slid off him.

She stepped onto a nearby chair, undoing the knot in her gown. Her legs, once exposed, were now concealed as the fabric fell to her ankles.

Egbert sat up, straightening his slightly disheveled shirt.

Without another glance at Egbert, Eileen stomped over to Bblythe, looping her arm through hers. "Come on, Bblythe, let's get out of here."

Bblythe stood, trying to make peace. "Look, I get it, Mr. Reed can be a jerk, but you didn't have to beat him to dead. Half-dead would've sufficed."

Eileen and Egbert could only exchange awkward glances.


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