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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 32

The moment Eileen got home, she whipped out a pyramid clock worth 300 bucks. She plonked it on her bedside table.

Staring at the clock in awe, she snapped a photo and fired it off to Ophelia in the wee hours of the morning.

Ophelia was in deep sleep when the sound of a Whatsapp notification jolted her awake. It was a common trait among agents – they were hyper-sensitive to the sound of phone calls, texts, and social media notifications. No matter how sleepy, they instantly woke up to those sounds.

Just as Ophelia was thinking there might be an issue with one of her artists, she realized the flurry of messages were all from Eileen.

Ophelia snapped awake. She might not freak out over anyone else's messages, but if it was Eileen's.

Ophelia felt a jolt of anxiety, cautiously opened up Whatsapp, and a minute later, she was staring at seventeen clock photos and the final message from Eileen saying, [Pretty, isn't it? My whole room lights up with this clock!] Ophelia was left in deep thought.

After a full three minutes of silence, Ophelia tentatively replied with a question mark, followed by, [Did you send it to the wrong person?]

The reply came quickly, [No, Ophelia, it's for you. Do you like it?]

Ophelia glanced at the time in the top right corner of her phone screen, 3:30 am.

Confused, Ophelia asked, [Do you know what time it is?]

Eileen replied, [Of course, it's half-past three in the morning. But I just landed, I'm not adjusted to the timezone, not sleepy.]

Ophelia protested, [But I'm sleepy!]

Eileen changed the subject, [Ophelia, you haven't answered my question. Do you like it?]

Inhaling deeply, Ophelia didn't reply, she simply blocked Eileen and went back to sleep. With no reply from Ophelia, Eileen sent another message, [Ophelia, are you there?]

After sending it, she waited for quite a while, but there was no response.

Eileen sighed deeply, put down her phone, looked at the beautiful new clock on her bedside table, and murmured, "Sweetie, it's not your fault they can't appreciate your beauty. It's okay, as long as I get it. I love you."

Eileen had a thing for clocks, an interest not of her own, but a legacy of her childhood. Back then, her father was still around. So were her grandparents.

Before she came to live with the Lopez family at the age of ten after Sarah remarried, she once had a happy childhood.

"Each clock has a unique sound. Listen carefully to them, Eileen. Which one do you like?" Her father asked.

"Dad, if I like it, can I take it? Won't you miss it?" Eileen asked.

"No, you're my daughter. How could I ever miss it?" Her father said.

"Dad, I like that clock." Eileen said.

The handsome man in her memory looked at the largest owl clock on the shelf, a smile of admiration showing on his face, and said, "You have good taste. I like that one too, so I can't give it to you."

"Dad, didn't you say you'd be willing to give it to me?" Eileen asked.

Gazing at the pyramid clock in front of her, Eileen wiped away her tears and buried those memories deep inside her heart. She had to stop thinking about those who would make her sad and weak.

The following day, Eileen was off to the office bright and early.

As Ophelia walked into the office, she heard her assistant lamenting, "I queued for twenty minutes for this breakfast, you said you'd only have a bite! I was gone for a minute and you've almost finished it!"


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