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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 322

Renee stood there, stunned, as she watched Eileen walk away to touch up her makeup.

"Seriously, what was that about? Looking for a fight?" Renee yelled after Eileen's retreating figure.

From behind the camera, Carrol frowned and asked, "What's the problem now?"

Pointing an accusatory finger at Eileen, Renee complained, "Director Carrol, she just insulted me!"

Carrol turned to look at Eileen.

Eileen glanced back at the fuming Renee and said coolly, "You call that an insult? Honey, when I actually insult you, you'll be crying rivers."

Renee was shocked beyond words, stammering, "You... you..."

Eileen scoffed, "Can't even get your words straight? What's the matter, got your tongue tied, or has the pregnancy made you dumb?"

The silence that followed was deafening. The entire studio was speechless.

No one expected that on the very first day of shooting, Eileen and Renee would be at each other's throats!

Renee glared venomously at Eileen, but in the next moment, she shifted her gaze, suddenly playing the victim, and burst into tears.

Her ability to cry on cue was impressive – no wonder Carrol was reluctant to replace her.

As Renee cried, the natural sympathy of the crowd turned to her, and several crew members rushed over to console her.

Eileen, standing at a distance, twisted the cap off a bottle of water and drank as she remarked coldly, "If you love crying so much, why don't you go to the restroom, cry your heart out, and flush yourself down the toilet."

Renee's sobs grew louder at Eileen's words.

Carrol was now nursing a headache. He turned to Egbert and said, "Aren't you going to do something about this?"

Egbert glanced at Carrol and asked, "Do what? Applaud?"

Carrol sighed deeply and motioned for Eileen to come over.

He took her aside and tried to reason with her, "What's gotten into you?"

Eileen was indifferent, "I just can't stand her excuses and her quickness to blame others."

Carrol waved his hands dismissively, "Alright, enough. Drop it, no more insults!"

After calming Renee down himself, as they still had a film to shoot, he couldn't let actor disputes bring the production to a standstill.

Egbert, who had been sitting beside the director's chair, put down the script and looked at Eileen, who paid him no heed and walked back to the makeup artist.

Once Eileen's makeup was touched up and Renee had somewhat recovered, filming resumed after a half-hour delay. However, Renee forgot her lines again in the very first take.

Previously, Renee had been deliberately messing up her scenes with Egbert, but this time, she was completely outshone by Eileen and had no choice but to call for a cut.

Carrol could see the stark difference in their acting skills. If Eileen's performance was a ten, Renee's was barely a six. Next to Eileen, Renee's character lost all its charm.

He had envisioned a scene where Shirley and Andromeda, the two rivals, would be evenly matched. But now, he could only ask Eileen to tone down her performance to accommodate Renee or help coach her.

But considering their fiery animosity, for Eileen to coach Renee seemed out of the question.

Carrol turned to Egbert for help, "Please, try to talk to them."

Egbert flipped through the script, his voice low, "I misspoke last night, and she hasn't talk to me since. I'm on my own death row here."

Carrol rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on, and eventually called it quits, "Cut! We'll shoot this scene tomorrow!"

The scene was postponed, and Carrol rearranged the schedule so Renee could take the rest of the day off to recover her composure, moving on to other scenes instead.

That evening, as Eileen lay on her bed reading the script, there was a knock at the door.

She squinted her eyes, turned over, and ignored it.

The knocking came again, followed by Janice's voice, "Eileen, are you asleep?"


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