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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 324

Hank was jolted awake by the shrill ring of his phone—it was midnight, and on the other end was Renee, sobbing hysterically.

“Renee, didn’t we agree Bernie is handling these matters?” Hank grumbled, furrowing his brow with impatience.

Through her tears, Renee wailed, “It’s not just about me now! It’s your son, Hank! Your son is suffering in my belly! If you don't care about him, why should I keep this baby? I might as well just end it now!”

Hank’s expression turned sour. “Alright, alright. Who’s messing with you? Eil—what?”

“Eileen! Eileen!” Renee cried out. “Just look at Twitter; the whole thing is trending!”

“Well, that’s good, isn’t it?” Hank tried to reason. “If it’s trending, the internet will crucify her. You’ll wake up tomorrow, and she’ll be history.”

“You don’t get it! I was attacked, Hank! Where were you? What am I to you, anyway?”

Hank choked on his words, at a loss for how to soothe her.

“And she’s got Egbert backing her up; she won't go down easily,” Renee continued. “I don’t care; you have to take care of her. She even left a number for you, challenging you. She doesn’t respect you at all, Hank. Do you want to see me and your unborn child dead before you’re happy?”

With no other option, Hank consoled her. “Alright, send me the number. I’ll handle it. You’ll be satisfied. Happy now?”

Relieved, Renee immediately sent over the contact details.

After hanging up, Hank dialed the number and was met with a man’s polite voice.

“Good evening, Mr. Iverson. This is Gentry, the general manager at Nathan Finance. I'm pleased you could call to address the situation. Regarding the incident with your mistress, Ms. Renee, she has slandered and spread false rumors about our chairwoman, Ms. Eileen. How do you intend to compensate for these transgressions?”

Hank was speechless. He confirmed the number again—it was correct.

“Who did you say you are?” he asked, his brows knitted in confusion.

“I'm Gentry, the general manager at Nathan Finance, also personal assistant to our chairwoman, Ms. Eileen. Are you calling to discuss the settlement?”

Without a word, Hank hung up the phone. He was about to call Renee for clarification when a loud banging on the door startled him.

At the door stood his estranged wife, Fidelia, her face showing signs of age despite her attempts at preservation. Without preamble, she slapped Hank across the face.

“What’s wrong with you?” Hank demanded, grabbing her wrist in anger.

Fidelia shook off his grip and tossed a stack of papers at him. “Divorce papers. Sign them.”

Shocked, Hank retorted, “I thought you didn’t want a divorce?”

Fidelia scoffed, “I didn’t want to give you and your mistress the satisfaction. But now, I refuse to be dragged down by you two. Sign them, divide the assets, and let’s be done. I won't mix with trash like you!”

She then turned and retreated to her room without another glance.

The next morning, Eileen was casually scrolling through Twitter when Gentry called, recounting the night's events and noting Hank’s subsequent delay of his meetings, presumably to deal with the divorce.

“Fidelia’s acting fast,” Eileen yawned lazily.

“Fidelia is a powerhouse,” Gentry replied. “She's been pivotal to Iverson Group’s success. Hank’s just gotten old and foolish, offending his wife for a fling.”

Eileen stretched, “Isn’t that what men do? Ambitious in youth, seeking legacy in success. Fidelia can’t have kids because of Hank, and now he’s forgotten all past loyalties.”

Gentry argued, “Not all men are like that…”

Eileen interrupted, “Send Fidelia the recordings and documents. If all goes well, Hank will end up with nothing. In return, I’ll just take 35% of Iverson Group’s shares, a small token for a new friendship.”

Gentry laughed, “That’s harsh.”

“Harsh?” Eileen mused. “Maybe just 34.5%, to be fair.”

After a brief pause, Eileen ended the call and her phone returned to the Twitter feed, buzzing with the overnight drama. The top comment under Eileen's tweet was from a user named “Eileen's Sidepiece,” teasing about gender. She sighed, amused and bewildered by the internet's unpredictable focus.

A user had posted online, "Eileen doing drugs now?"

The third top comment read, "Posting the actual fight? Are you tough or just dumb?"


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