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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 326

In the bustling makeup trailer of the film set, Eileen was nonchalantly nibbling on the slice of red velvet cake that Egbert had brought her.

Unbeknownst to Eileen, the online frenzy swirling around her was actually the handiwork of her dedicated fans. She assumed Fidelia had spilled all the beans in her haste for instant gratification. Eileen couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance; she had advised Fidelia time and again to release the scandalous tidbits piecemeal. Why had she dumped it all at once?

With the attention span of netizens shorter than a goldfish's memory and the divorce proceedings dragging on, the explosive headlines would soon fade into yesterday's news before the assets were even split. Eileen had stressed to Fidelia the importance of leveraging her social influence strategically, giving her explicit instructions on how to roll out the revelations. Fidelia's failure to heed her advice only confirmed a lack of trust, and Eileen resolved then and there that there would be no discounts on the gratitude fees—thirty-five percent of the shares, not a penny less.

Lost in these thoughts, Eileen took another indulgent bite of her cake when suddenly, a shrill outcry shattered the chatter of the room.

"It was you! You backstabber!"

Startled, Eileen's gaze lazily drifted towards the commotion.

Egbert's eyes darkening with fury.

Unfazed, Eileen continued to chew on her spoon, feigning innocence. "Who's the backstabber here?" she asked coyly.

Renee, halfway through her accusation, clamped her mouth shut as she clenched her fists as Eileen casually tossed her spoon back into the cake box, stood up, and sauntered over to Renee, who instinctively took a step back, haunted by yesterday's confrontation.

Eileen snorted dismissively, then turned to Carrol and, without a word, swiped her phone from his hand. The director, caught off guard, could only scowl as he turned his displeasure towards Renee.

With panic written all over her face, Renee blurted out a desperate explanation. "Director, it's all lies! Eileen framed me with paid trolls online!"

Carrol's voice was ice. "We have evidence. Are you denying you're in those photos?"

Renee's pitch rose to a near screech. "They're doctored! Any tech whiz can fake photos! It's all a sham!"

But Carrol was done listening. "Get your agent to call me. We need to discuss breaking your contract."

The word 'break' sent Renee reeling. "No! You can't do this to me!"

And that's when Eileen, let out a chuckle, drawing Renee's venomous glare. Eileen's reminder was almost kind. “Ms. Renee, you broke the contract. Didn’t you read the fine print? It clearly states that the actor must maintain a positive image from production to premiere, avoiding any scandal that could damage the film. Your image is tarnished, so actually, you owe the production, not the other way around.”

Renee was speechless, and as Carrol coldly reiterated his demand for her agent’s immediate contact, panic engulfed her.The interruption by a crew member announcing the arrival of throngs of reporters seeking interviews with Renee and the director only darkened Carrol’s mood further. "No interviews! Tell them to get lost! We’re on lockdown—no visitors on set!"

Once the crew member scurried away, Carrol's anger spilled over to the rest of the makeup trailer. "What are you all standing around for? Get to work! Do you think we have all day?"

The crew hustled into action, leaving Renee isolated at her makeup station, her assistant the only one brave enough to remain by her side. Overcome with a sense of injustice, Renee's sobs echoed as she fled the trailer.

In the silence that followed, whispers slowly began to fill the space as Eileen resumed her seat, allowing the stylist to continue his work. It was then that a carton of milk appeared before her. Confused, Eileen looked up to see a crew member who relayed, "Eileen, Mr. Reed said to remind you to drink your milk."

Eileen glanced around, noting Egbert's absence, then accepted the milk with a grateful nod, sipping it through a straw.


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