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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 330

Eileen somehow found herself on Paulina's bad side without even trying.

During the afternoon drama class, it was a three-person scene with Chester, Paulina, and Eileen. But take after take, the scene just wasn't working, and Paulina finally lost her patience, snapping, "Can we get this right already?"

Her outburst seemed directed at no one in particular, yet everyone felt the sting, and the set fell silent.

Carrol, seated below with a megaphone in hand, barked, "I haven't yelled cut yet, what are you shouting for?"

Paulina frowned and retorted, "We've been at this eight times. What's the issue? Doesn't everyone know who's messing up?"

Chester quickly bowed and apologized, "I'm so sorry, Miss Paulina. It was my fault. I'll make it up to everyone with some lattes after we wrap."

Paulina pushed Chester lightly, annoyed, "What the hack? This isn't about you!"

That comment turned Chester beet red, not knowing how to respond.

Chester, looking uncomfortable, tried to defuse the situation, "Miss Paulina, please, no hard feelings."

Paulina glared at Chester and then stormed off to the makeup room, saying, "I'm done," as she went.

The atmosphere on set grew even tenser after her departure.

Carrol, frowning deeply, sent the assistant director after her and told Chester and Eileen to take a break.

Janice, carrying a cup of water, approached Eileen and said pointedly, "What's her problem? It's not on us. It looked like she was blaming you, Eileen. But the first couple of times, Miss Paulina flubbed her lines. Then it was Mr. Chester who cracked up. You haven’t missed a beat, Eileen!"

Eileen frowned too, took a sip of water, and glanced Chester's way.

Chester walked over to Eileen to apologize on behalf of Paulina, "Miss Paulina can be a bit impulsive. She's not targeting anyone, Miss Lopez. Don't take it to heart."

Eileen gave Chester a long look and then smiled, "I'm not offended."

Chester, with a blush, said, "That’s good to hear. You, uh, take a break then."

With that, he walked away, face still flushed.

Janice, still unsatisfied, grumbled, "Eileen, could you stop smiling at Mr. Chester like that?"

Eileen looked at her, "Why?"

Janice pouted, "Mr. Reed can't take it. He will be green with jealousy."

Eileen rolled her eyes and jokingly poked Janice in the forehead, "You're talking nonsense."

It took a half-hour and the coaxing of pretty much everyone before Paulina emerged from the makeup room.

When they finally resumed shooting, the scene went off without a hitch.

At the end of the day, Eileen changed out of her costume and saw Chester trying to cheer up a still-sour Paulina, offering to take her out for dinner.

At the thought of food, Eileen realized her own hunger. She grabbed Janice's arm, planning to head out for a meal themselves.

Chester noticed Eileen and called out, "Miss Lopez, join us?"

Eileen paused, noting that at Chester's invitation, Paulina's expression turned downright murderous.

But Eileen just smiled and accepted, "Sure, why not."

In the restaurant, Chester handed the menu to Paulina but kept his eyes on Eileen, asking eagerly, "Miss Lopez, what would you like?"

Eileen thought for a moment and said, "Let's go with seafood. I heard choosing it fresh from the tank is the way to go."

Chester immediately stood up, "I'll pick it out!"

And with that, he was off to the tanks.

As soon as Chester left, Paulina gripped the menu so tight her knuckles whitened.

When Paulina tried to storm out, Eileen held her back calmly, “Miss Paulina, take it easy. Can we talk?”

Paulina glared, “I have nothing to say to you!”

Eileen firmly held her down and said, “How would you know if we haven’t tried?”

Outside by the seafood tanks, Chester was on the phone.

He pointed to a barely alive fish in the tank for the waiter to scoop out, then spoke into the phone, “Okay, I know what to do. Just remember, you owe me for clearing the lead roles for you."

Returning to the dining area, Chester was taken aback to see Paulina and Eileen, looking like they were sharing secrets.

Impossible. Paulina would rather eat Eileen alive!

Frowning, Chester entered with a smile, "What are you two gossiping about?"

Eileen moved away from a scowling Paulina and said, "Just girl talk, nothing much."

Chester teased, "What kind of girl talk? Can I listen in?"

"Not this time. Woman’s business," Eileen replied as she stood up. "I’ll be right back; just need the restroom."

Once Eileen was gone, Chester poured Paulina a cup of tea and leaned in, "You don’t have to keep picking on Miss Lopez. I really don't have any interest in her."

Paulina was silent for a moment before coldly stating, "But you're my boyfriend!"

Chester soothed her, "Of course, I only have eyes for you. I'm just being polite to her, trust me."


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